运用主成分分析法,对不同生境条件下白屈菜植物生活史型相关的营养生长(vegetative growth,V)、有性生长(sexual growth,S)和克隆生长(clonal growth,C)的主成分得分及比例进行定量计算,并以此为基础研究了生活史型特征参数及次生代谢产物单宁含量、黄酮含量与生物碱含量的相关关系,目的是为植物活性成分环境定向诱导培育提供实验依据。研究结果表明:(1)对于不同光照状况的全光照(空地)、70%光照(榆树林内)和40%光照下(白扦林内)的9个样地白屈菜生活史型划分发现,全光照下白屈菜种群生活史型为V0.34S0.41C0.25,为SV生活史型,空地为DE(Disturbed but still Excellent)生境;榆树林下和白扦林下的白屈菜生活史型分别可表示为V0.28S0.38C0.34和V0.27S0.40C0.33,均为SC生活史型,榆树林下和白扦林下为DF(Disturbed and Fragile)生境。(2)白屈菜植株次生代谢产物(单宁、黄酮和生物碱)含量,空地均低于榆树林下和白扦林下生境。各样地白屈菜不同器官单宁含量:叶片(种(根(茎;黄酮含量:种(叶片(根(茎;生物碱含量:叶片(根(茎,各样地白屈菜茎和根的生物碱含量无明显差异,空地白屈菜叶片中生物碱含量低于榆树林下和白扦林下白屈菜植株59%~56.7%。(3)白屈菜生活史型与次生代谢产物(单宁、黄酮和生物碱)含量相关性分析结果中,显著的线性关系显示,白屈菜次生代谢产物(单宁、黄酮和生物碱)含量与营养生长和有性生长成负相关,与克隆生长成正相关。实验结果表明,较于空地的DE生境,林(榆树和白扦)下的DF生境条件差,使白屈菜向C型转变,同时也促进了次生代谢产物(单宁、黄酮和生物碱)的积累。结果可以为野生植物的人工定向培育中生境选择和目的活性成分定向累积提供基于形态学的评价方法和理论。
A study was conducted to investigate the effects of high temperature on variations of alkaloid metabolism in C. roseus seedlings in Key Laboratory of Forest Plant Ecology, Northeast Forestry University, Heilongiang, China. 60-day-old C. roseus seedlings with 3-4 pairs of leaves were incubated in chambers with temperature of 30℃ and 40℃for short-term heat shock experiment and 20℃, 25℃ and 35℃ for long-term experiment. The contents of vindoline, catharanthine, vinblastine and vincristine in C. roseus leaves and root were checked at different temperatures in short term (1-6 h) and long term (1-16 d). Results showed that under short-term heat shock, the contents of vindoline, catharanthine and vinblastine in leaves of the seedlings were higher at 40℃ than at 30℃, but after 6 h treatment, the contents of vindoline and catharanthine under the two temperatures came to the same level. Catharanthine was exclusively distributed in C. roseus roots and its content was increased by 40% after two hours incubation at 40℃, while increased slowly at 30℃ incubation and reached the highest value at 6 h. In the Long-term experiment, concentrations of monomeric alkaloids catharanthine and vindoline were higher at 20℃ than at 25℃ and had a sharp increase under the condition of 35℃. While for dimeric alkaloid, it showed that the higher the temperature, the earlier the peak value of vinblastine content appears. Vincristine had a continuous enhancement and attained 0.027 mg.g^-1 at 16th day under 35℃ condition which was higher than those in the other conditions. It was concluded that high temperature could promote the accumulation of different alkaloids in C. roseus and the accumulation characteristic is highly related to treatment time.