- 作品数:7 被引量:3H指数:1
- 相关作者:张显薛雨高翔宇吕建婷张本金更多>>
- 相关机构:黑龙江大学佳木斯大学哈尔滨工程大学更多>>
- 发文基金:国家自然科学基金黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目更多>>
- 相关领域:自动化与计算机技术更多>>
- Reduced-Order State Observers for Genetic Regulatory Networks with Time-Varying Delays
- This paper involves the reduced-order state observer design for genetic regulatory networks with time-varying ...
- Xiaofei Fan; Xin Li; Xian Zhang; Shasha Xiao;
- 文献传递
- 离散线性时滞系统的指数稳定性分析:基于加权离散正交多项式的方法(英文)被引量:1
- 2017年
- 研究离散线性时滞系统的指数稳定性分析问题。引入离散内积,用Gram-Schmidt正交化方法,提出加权离散正交多项式(WDOPs),推出基于WDOPs的求和不等式,包括离散Jensen不等式和离散Writinger-型作为特殊情形;利用基于WDOPs的求和不等式,建立离散线性时滞系统的指数稳定性判据。数值实例说明了结果的有效性。
- 尚万振张显
- Asymptotic stability criteria for Delayed Genetic Regulatory Networks with Reaction-Diffusion Terms
- This paper is related to the problem of stability analysis for delayed genetic regulatory networks(DGRNs) with...
- Xiaofei FanYuanyuan HanXian Zhang
- 文献传递
- Robust H_∞ Control for Type 1 Diabetes Model: A Switching System Approach
- This paper is concerned with the problem of H_∞ state feedback controller design for the type 1 diabetes switc...
- Lulu Sun; Xin Wang; Xian Zhang; Yu Xue;
- 文献传递
- Necessary Exponential Stability Conditions for Linear Discrete Time-Delay Systems
- Necessary conditions for the exponential stability of the linear discrete time-delay system are presented by e...
- Haifang Li; Ning Zhao; Xian Zhang;
- 文献传递
- Exponential stability analysis of linear discrete-time systems with two constant delays
- In this paper,we focus on the problem of exponential stability analysis of linear discrete-time systems with t...
- Xinxiao Liu; Yantao Wang; Jianting Lyu; Xian Zhang;
- 文献传递
- 带反应扩散项的时滞基因调控网络的稳定性
- 2014年
- 研究带反应扩散项的时滞基因调控网络的渐近稳定性。通过构造合适的李雅普诺夫函数,获得两种边界条件下基于线性矩阵不等式的时滞相关的稳定性判据,通过数值例子验证所给出的结论的有效性。通过分析可知,在狄利克莱边界条件下给出的稳定性判据比文献中的稳定性判据具有更弱的保守性;在罗宾条件下给出的稳定性判据与文献中的稳定性判据具有相同的保守性,但只需求解含更少变量的线性矩阵不等式,减少了计算量。
- 韩园园张显
- 关键词:关键词基因调控网络渐近稳定性
- Stability criteria for genetic regulatory networks with time delays
- This paper aims at proposing a new method to establish stability criteria for a class of genetic regulatory ne...
- Shasha Xiao; Yantao Wang; Xian Zhang;
- 文献传递
- T-S模糊模型H_∞控制应用于1-型糖尿病人的血糖调节(英文)
- 2018年
- 研究T-S模糊模型的H_∞控制问题,将其应用于1-型糖尿病人的血糖调节。基于构造模糊Lyapunov函数和应用Lyapunov稳定性理论,提出设计H_∞状态反馈模糊控制器的新方法,使得对应闭环系统是全局渐近稳定的,并满足预先指定的H_∞性能。将所设计的H_∞状态反馈模糊控制器应用到Bergman最小模型,达到调节1-型糖尿病人血糖的目的。实例说明了理论结果的有效性。
- 张本金张本金薛雨薛雨
- 关键词:T-S模糊模型血糖调节
- Stability criteria for T-S fuzzy systems with time-varying delay:a fuzzy line-integral Lyapunov functional approach
- This paper focuses on the problem of the stability analysis for T-S fuzzy systems with time delay,A novel Lyap...
- Zhicheng SongXian ZhangXin WangYu Xue
- 文献传递