Five monoclonal antibodies(Mabs) to nuclear protein of avain influenza virus(AIV) were developed by syncretizing SP 2/0 and the spleen cells from BALB of mice immuized with H9 subtype AIV. Specificity of these Mabs were identified by immunofluorescent assay(IFA) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). These five Mabs which were named as AIV-NP-2C3, AIV-NP-6A5, AIV-NP-3 H9, AIV-NP-7B4, AIV-NP-2H4 could react with all viruses of AIV-H9 strains in tests. The result of Western blotting showed that only the 60 ku protein antigen of AIV-H9 could be recognized by the Mabs but never recognized by New castle disease virus, REV and infectious bursa disease virus. The result of preliminary application showed that avian influenza viruses could be deetected bv Mabs in IFA and ELISA. All these Mabs will probably play important roles in preventing and monitoring avian influenza viruses.