Rare-earth compounds have been an attractive subject based on the unique electronic structures of the rare-earth elements. Novel ternary intermetallic compounds R2TX3 (R = rare-earth element or U, T = transition-metal element, X = Si, Ge, Ga, In) are a significant branch of this research field due to their complex and intriguing physical properties, such as magnetic order at low temperature, spin-glass behavior, Kondo effect, heavy fermion behavior, and so on. The unique physical properties of R2TX3 compounds are related to distinctive electronic structures, crystal structures, micro- interaction, and external environment. Most R2TX3 compounds crystallize in A1B2-type or derived A1B2-type structures and exhibit many similar properties. This paper gives a concise review of the structures and physical properties of these compounds. Spin glass, magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, and specific heat of R2 TX3 compounds are discussed.
Metastable liquid phase separation and rapid solidification in a metastable miscibility gap were investigated on the Cu60Co30Cr10 alloy by using the electromagnetic levitation and splat-quenching.It is found that the alloy generally has a microstructure consisting of a(Co,Cr)-rich phase embedded in a Cu-rich matrix,and the morphology and size of the(Co,Cr)-rich phase vary drastically with cooling rate.During the electromagnetic levitation solidification processing the cooling rate is lower,resulting in an obvious coalescence tendency of the(Co,Cr)-rich spheroids.The(Co,Cr)-rich phase shows dendrites and coarse spheroids at lower cooling rates.In the splat quenched samples the(Co,Cr)-rich phase spheres were refined significantly and no dendrites were observed.This is probably due to the higher cooling rate,undercooling and interface tension.