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作品数:14 被引量:18H指数:3


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14 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Closed-form internal impedance model and characterization of mixed carbon nanotube bundles for three-dimensional integrated circuits
Based on the complex effective conductivity method, a closed-form expression for the internal impedance of mixed carbon nanotube (CNT) bundles, in which the number of CNTs for a given diameter follows a Gaussian distribution, is proposed in this paper. It can appropriately capture the skin effect as well as the temperature effect of mixed CNT bundles. The results of the closed-form expression and the numerical calculation are compared with various mean diameters, standard deviations, and temperatures. It is shown that the proposed model has very high accuracy in the whole frequency range considered, with maximum errors of 1% and 2.3% for the resistance and the internal inductance, respectively. Moreover, by using the proposed model, the high-frequency electrical characteristics of mixed CNT bundles are deeply analyzed to provide helpful design guidelines for their application in future high-performance three-dimensional integrated circuits.
Through-silicon-via crosstalk model and optimization design for three-dimensional integrated circuits被引量:3
Through-silicon-via (TSV) to TSV crosstalk noise is one of the key factors affecting the signal integrity of three- dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs). Based on the frequency dependent equivalent electrical parameters for the TSV channel, an analytical crosstalk noise model is established to capture the TSV induced crosstalk noise. The impact of various design parameters including insulation dielectric, via pitch, via height, silicon conductivity, and terminal impedance on the crosstalk noise is analyzed with the proposed model. Two approaches are proposed to alleviate the TSV noise, namely, driver sizing and via shielding, and the SPICE results show 241 rnV and 379 mV reductions in the peak noise voltage, respectively.
Third-order active-RC complex filter with automatic frequency tuning for ZigBee transceiver applications被引量:6
A 3rd-order Butterworth active-RC complex band-pass filter was presented for Zig Bee(IEEE802.15.4) transceiver applications. The filter adopted cascaded complex pole stages to realize the 3 MHz bandwidth with a centre frequency of 2 MHz which was required by the Zig Bee transceiver applications. An automatic frequency tuning scheme was also designed to accommodate the performance deterioration due to the process, voltage and temperature(PVT) variations. The whole filter is implemented in a 0.18 μm standard process and occupies an area of 1.3 mm×0.6 mm. The current dissipation is 1.2 m A from a 1.8 V single power supply. Measurement results show that the image rejection ratio(IRR) of the filter is 24.1 d B with a pass-band ripple less than 0.3 d B. The adjacent channel rejection is 29.8 d B@7 MHz and alternate channel rejection 47.5 d B@12 MHz, respectively.
SiC/SiO_2界面形貌对SiC MOS器件沟道迁移率的影响被引量:1
为了研究SiC/SiO_2界面粗糙度对SiC MOS器件构道迁移率的影响,在离子注入后高温退火过程中采用碳膜保护SiC表面以减小退火过程中产生的表面粗糙度,碳膜的形成通过对光刻胶在600℃下前烘30min实现.研究结果表明:微结构分析所得的微米量级的横向表面粗糙度(峰对峰,谷对谷)不会影响电子平均自由程为纳米数量级的沟道电子在SiC MOS器件沟道中的迁移运动,在高温退火过程中,碳膜的是否存在对表面粗糙度和NMOS电容SiC/SiO_2界面态密度没有影响,而且NMOSFET器件的场效应迁移率没有发生太大的变化.
An analytical model of thermal mechanical stress induced by through silicon via
We present an accurate through silicon via (TSV) thermal mechanical stress analytical model which is verified by using finite element method (FEM). The results show only a very small error. By using the proposed analytical model, we also study the impacts of the TSV radius size, the thickness, the material of Cu diffusion barrier, and liner on the stress. It is found that the liner can absorb the stress effectively induced by coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch. The stress decreases with the increase of liner thickness. Benzocyclobutene (BCB) as a liner material is better than SiO2. However, the Cu diffusion barrier has little effect on the stress. The stress with a smaller TSV has a smaller value. Based on the analytical model, we explore and validate the linear superposition principle of stress tensors and demonstrate the accuracy of this method against detailed FEM simulations. The analytic solutions of stress of two TSVs and three TSVs have high precision against the finite element result.
Parasitic effects of air-gap through-silicon vias in high-speed three-dimensional integrated circuits
In this paper,ground-signal-ground type through-silicon vias(TSVs) exploiting air gaps as insulation layers are designed,analyzed and simulated for applications in millimeter wave.The compact wideband equivalent-circuit model and passive elements(RLGC) parameters based on the physical parameters are presented with the frequency up to 100 GHz.The parasitic capacitance of TSVs can be approximated as the dielectric capacitance of air gaps when the thickness of air gaps is greater than 0.75 μm.Therefore,the applied voltage of TSVs only needs to achieve the flatband voltage,and there is no need to indicate the threshold voltage.This is due to the small permittivity of air gaps.The proposed model shows good agreement with the simulation results of ADS and Ansoft's HFSS over a wide frequency range.
Analysis and optimization of TSV–TSV coupling in three-dimensional integrated circuits被引量:1
Through silicon via (TSV)-TSV coupling is detrimental to the performance of three-dimensional (3D) integrated circuits (ICs) with the major negative effect of introducing coupling noise. In order to obtain an accurate estimation of the coupling level from TSV-TSV in the early design stage, this paper first proposes an impedance- level model of the coupling channel between TSVs based on a two-port network, and then derives the formula of the coupling coefficient to describe the TSV-TSV coupling effect. The accuracy of the formula is validated by comparing the results with 3D full-wave simulations. Furthermore, a design technique for optimizing the coupling between adjacent coupled signal TSVs is proposed. Through SPICE simulations, the proposed technique shows its feasibility to reduce the coupling noise for both a simple TSV-TSV circuit and a complicated circuit with more TSVs, and demonstrates its potential for designers in achieving the goal of improving the electrical pertbrmance of3D ICs.
一种适用于IEEE802.15.4(ZigBee)标准的2.4GHz CMOS射频收发机设计被引量:3
本文提出了一种适用于IEEE 802.15.4标准的2.4GHz免认证ISM频段的全集成CMOS射频收发机.接收机采用低中频结构以降低功耗、提高灵敏度,发射机则采用直接上变频结构以降低设计复杂度和功耗.芯片采用0.18μm 1P4M CMOS工艺以及MIM电容制造,供电电压1.8V.测试结果显示,在误包率为1%时,接收机灵敏度达到了-97d Bm,发射机输出至100Ω差分天线端口的最大输出功率为+3d Bm.接收模式和发射模式下的电流功耗分别为17m A和19m A,芯片面积3.3mm×2.8mm.