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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
为使石英陀螺满足高性能、小型化和集成化需求,设计石英陀螺专用集成电路接口芯片势在必行.本文通过分析石英陀螺表头的机电特性,得出方波驱动方式是系统性能和复杂程度的折衷.据此设计了一种闭环自激驱动电路.该电路与石英结构形成反馈环路,从而实现陀螺的自激驱动,并通过自动增益控制电路实现幅值稳定.该电路已用0.5μm CMOS工艺实现,测试结果表明该电路可以实现稳幅稳频的驱动,幅值稳定度0.01%.集成该驱动电路的石英陀螺系统达到战术级性能.
以纳米SiO2和PMMA为原料,提出了一种以不锈钢丝网为热压模板结合喷涂法制备PMMA超疏表面的新方法.研究了热压压力和喷涂SiO2纳米粒子浓度对表面浸润性的影响.结果表明,SiO2纳米粒子能够明显改善PMMA表面的浸润性.在热压压力为0.5MPa、疏水性SiO2纳米粒子质量分数为4%时,可获得最佳的超疏水涂层,涂层的接触角为164°±0.8°,滚动角小于2°.通过扫描电镜(SEM)观察了涂层表面的微观结构,发现超疏水性涂层具备规则的微纳二元结构.该表面在p H值为114的范围内都具有很好的超疏性能;同时,制备的超疏水涂层在空气中放置10个月以上,其表面接触角仍大于150°.
Synthesis of boron nitride nanotube films with a nanoparticle catalyst被引量:3
Boron nitride nanotube(BNNT) films were synthesized by combining ball milling and thermal chemical vapor deposition(CVD) using nano-Fe3O4 as a catalyst. The as-produced BNNTs have a bamboo-like structure and have a diameter in the range of 50~200 nm with an average length of more than 40 mm.Moreover, BNNT nanojunction structures were synthesized. The structure and morphology of the BNNTs were characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM and HRTEM. The possible growth mechanism of BNNTs and BNNT nanojunction structures were proposed. Though the BNNT films were observed, out of our expectation,BNNTs with thin tube wall and small average diameter have not been achieved, and this could be mainly ascribed to the aggregation of the nanoparticle catalyst, resulting in greater catalyst particles during the process of BNNT growth. This result will provide a promising approach to obtain the desired shape of BNNTs and produce branched junctions of BNNTs.
Cui-Cui ZhuangJia FengHong XuLing LiXiao-Wei Liu
A Novel Full Differential Feedforward Fourth-Order Bandpass Sigma-Delta Modulator
In this paper,in order to reduce power consumption and chip area,as well as to improve the performance of the bandpass sigma-delta modulator,a novel full differential feedforward fourth-order bandpass sigma-delta modulator was proposed. It used a resonator based on Salo architecture,which employed doublesampling and double-delay technique. The results show that the proposed modulator can achieve lower power consumption and a lower capacitive load than the conventional bandpass modulators on the platform of Simulink. The circuit is implemented with TSMC0. 18 μm CMOS process and operates at a sampling frequency of 20 MHz, 80 MHz effective sampling frequency. Furthermore,it consumes 21. 2 mW from a 1. 8 V supply. The simulated peak signal-to-noise ratio( SNR) is 85. 9 dB and the dynamic range( DR) is 91 dB with 200 kHz bandwidth.
Jia-Jun ZhouHong-Lin XuRui ZhangXiao-Wei Liu
Boron-assisted growth of silica nanowire arrays and silica microflowers for bendable capacitor application
Aligned silica nanowire arrays and silica microflowers were fabricated using boron as the catalyst and under the flow N2 gas. The obtained product had no catalyst contamination. And silica nanowires had long lengths of a few hundreds. The growth of nanowire arrays and microflowers was explained using mechanism. Parallel-plate capacitors using silica nanowire mat as the dielectric were fabricated. The silica nanowire capacitor shows a specific capacitance of 0.24 n F/cm~2 at the frequency of 100 Hz. The capacitor is not monotone changing with the frequency. The measurement of mechanical properties shows that the tunneling current increases along with an increase in bending angle of the capacitor.
Cuicui ZhuangLing LiYang LiuChuncheng BanXiaowei Liu
Ball-disk rotor gyroscope adaptive quick-start technique
Rotating speed is a critical parameter affecting the performance of rotor gyroscopes. Rotor gyroscopes must operate at the rated rotating speed. To shorten the start time of the ball-disk rotor gyroscope, this paper presents a new design of the drive system for a ball-disk rotor gyroscope. The drive system is monitored by a microeontroUer. First, the microcontroller generates a sine pulse width modulation signal to drive the permanent magnet rotor. Second, the position of the rotor is detected according to the back electromotive force in the non-energized coil. Third, a piecewise closed-loop control algorithm is implemented to keep the angular acceleration of the rotor within the safe range automatically during the acceleration process and when running at a constant speed. This control algorithm can avoid rotor stalling due to loss of steps. Experimental result shows that with the help of adaptive quick-start technique, the start time of the device can be shortened by up to 36.6%.
Xiao-wei LIURui WENGHai LIHai-feng ZHANG
Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surface with Different Metal Films on Aluminum Alloy
A simple technique was developed for the fabrication of a superhydrophobic surface on the aluminum alloy sheets. Different hierarchical structures(Ag, Co, Ni and Zn) were formed on the aluminum surface by the galvanic replacement reactions. After the chemical modification of them with fluorination, the wettability of the surfaces was changed from superhydrophilicity to superhydrophobicity. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS) and water contact angle measurement were performed to characterize the morphologi- cal characteristic, chemical composition and superhydrophobicity of the surfaces. The as-prepared superhydrophobic surfaces showed a water contact angle as high as ca.160° and sliding angle as low as ca.3°. We hope the method to produce superhydrophobic surface can be used in many fields.
WANG YangLIU XiaoweiZHANG HaifengZHOU Zhiping
Surface wetting processing on BNNT films by selective plasma modes被引量:1
The wettability of boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) films was modified using a combination of pulsed and continuous wave (CW) mode plasma. The combined mode effectively modified the wettability of BNNT films and kept the nanostructures intact. The BNNT films changed from superhydrophobic to superhydrophilic after combined mode treatment at 600 W min. In contrast, the contact angle controllable decreased linearly in a controllable way with increasing energy input before eventually becoming superhydrophilic after 1000 W min of CW mode treatment. A high concentration of graft functional groups formed, along with point defects. More point defects formed when using combined modes and higher energy input. Mainly amine functional groups were grafted by combined mode plasma, while the CW mode plasma led to more formation of amide and imine on the BNNTs. Research into controllable wettability and selection of grafted functional groups should enable promising applications of BNNTs in composites and biology in the future.
LI LingLIU XiaoWeiDAI XiuJuan JLI LuHuaCHEN Ying