In this study, a three-dimensional mesoscale model was used to numerically simulate the well-known "98.7" heavy rainfall event that affected the Yangtze Valley in July 1998. Two experiments were conducted to analyze the impact of moist processes on the development of meso-β scale vortices(MβV) and their triggering by mesoscale wind perturbation(MWP). In the experiment in which the latent heat feedback(LHF) scheme was switched off, a stable low-level col field(i.e., saddle field—a region between two lows and two highs in the isobaric surface) formed, and the MWP triggered a weak MβV. However, when the LHF scheme was switched on as the MWP was introduced into the model, the MβV developed quickly and intense rainfall and a mesoscale low-level jet(mLLJ) were generated. The thickness of the air column and average temperature between 400 and 700 hPa decreased without the feedback of latent heat, whereas they increased quickly when the LHF scheme was switched on, with the air pressure falling at low levels but rising at upper levels. A schematic representation of the positive feedbacks among the mesoscale vortex, rainfall, and mLLJ shows that in the initial stage of the MβV, the MWP triggers light rainfall and the latent heat occurs at low levels, which leads to weak convergence and ageostrophic winds. In the mature stage of the MβV, convection extends to the middle-to-upper levels, resulting in an increase in the average temperature and a stretching of the air column. A low-level cyclonic circulation forms under the effect of Coriolis torque, and the m LLJ forms to the southeast of the MβV.
用WRF v3.2.1中尺度预报模式和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对比研究了WRF模式中5个不同边界层参数化方案对东亚夏季风气候的模拟效果。结果表明:WRF模式对各边界层参数化方案均较为敏感,采用不同的边界层参数化方案对模拟区域内的夏季降水、气温、环流等气候要素均可产生明显影响。选取MYJ方案和QNSE方案对500 h Pa夏季平均环流的模拟效果较好,YSU方案和QNSE方案对夏季平均日降水量模拟与再分析资料更吻合,YSU方案和MYNN2.5方案对中国东部2 m气温的模拟结果较好。不同边界层参数化方案模拟结果都显示出由于副热带高压偏强,使副热带高压第2次北跳后停留时间过短,导致长江中下游降水偏少,华北地区降水增多。通过比较YSU和QNSE边界层方案,发现YSU方案相比QNSE方案的降水差异,是由于850 h Pa水汽输送造成的。在中国大部分地区YSU方案的2 m温度比QNSE方案高,并且地面2 m气温和降水存在一定对应关系。因此合理选取边界层参数化方案可以提高数值模拟的准确性。