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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Winter estimation of surface roughness length over eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Based on the Monin-Obulchov similarity theory, a scheme was developed to calculate surface roughness length. Surface roughness length over the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during the winter season was then estimated using the scheme and eddy covariance measurement data. Comparisons of estimated and measured wind speeds show that the scheme is feasible to calculate surface roughness length. The estimated roughness lengths at the measurement site during unfrozen, frozen and melted periods are 3.23x10(-3), 2.27x10(-3) and 1.92x10(-3) m, respectively. Surface roughness length demonstrates a deceasing trend with time during the winter season. Thereby, setting the roughness length to be a constant value in numerical models could lead to certain degree of simulation errors. The variation of surface roughness length may be caused by the change in land surface characteristic.
LunYu ShangYu ZhangShiHua LyuShaoYing WangYinHuan AoSiQiong LuoShiQiang Chen
利用中国科学院黄河源区气候与环境综合观测研究站2011年12月至2012年3月的观测资料,对比分析了黄河源区玛曲3次积雪过程地表辐射和能量平衡特征,结果表明:受雪面较大反照率的影响,降雪后净辐射减小显著,3次降雪前、后净辐射分别为154、200、210 W·m^-2和93、129、130 W·m^-2。3次降雪后及融雪后,地—气能量交换受天气条件和土壤冻融状态的影响较大:第1次降雪后较低的气温和地表温度并没有影响冻结土壤原本就较弱的蒸发能力,潜热通量在降雪前、后及融雪后量值较小且相差不大;第2次降雪后的2月18日,较大的风速(≥4 m·s^-1)和较强的太阳辐射加快了积雪的升华,潜热通量量值较大,日均值高达118 W·m^-2,风速与潜热通量同步变化,且峰值同时出现(分别为15 m·s^-1和300 W·m^-2),积雪升华消耗能量使地表温度降低并低于气温,出现负感热通量,日均值为-8 W·m^-2,峰值达-40 W·m^-2,融雪后感、潜热通量很快达到降雪前的水平;第3次降雪后的2月29日至3月3日,浅层土壤温度由-1℃逐渐上升并维持在冻土可融化温度-0.18℃左右,冻土壤融化吸收热量,潜热通量与降雪前相比增加不明显,3月4日是积雪融化的最后一天,较湿的土壤和融雪水蒸发释放潜热,潜热通量较3月3日显著增大;积雪融化后,潜热通量受浅层土壤蒸发能力增强的影响较降雪前明显增大。
Impacts of salinity parameterizations on temperature simulation over and in a hypersaline lake被引量:2
In this paper,we introduced parameterizations of the salinity effects(on heat capacity,thermal conductivity,freezing point and saturated vapor pressure) in a lake scheme integrated in the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with the Community Land Model(WRF-CLM). This was done to improve temperature simulation over and in a saline lake and to test the contributions of salinity effects on various water properties via sensitivity experiments. The modified lake scheme consists of the lake module in the CLM model,which is the land component of the WRF-CLM model. The Great Salt Lake(GSL) in the USA was selected as the study area. The simulation was performed from September 3,2001 to September 30,2002. Our results show that the modif ied WRF-CLM model that includes the lake scheme considering salinity effects can reasonably simulate temperature over and in the GSL. This model had much greater accuracy than neglecting salinity effects,particularly in a very cold event when that effect alters the freezing point. The salinity effect on saturated vapor pressure can reduce latent heat flux over the lake and make it slightly warmer. The salinity effect on heat capacity can also make lake temperature prone to changes. However,the salinity effect on thermal conductivity was found insignificant in our simulations.
文莉娟NAGABHATLA Nidhi赵林李照国陈世强
Impact of Rain Snow Threshold Temperature on Snow Depth Simulation in Land Surface and Regional Atmospheric Models被引量:6
This study investigates the impact of rain snow threshold (RST) temperatures on snow depth simulation using the Community Land Model (CLM) and the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF--coupled with the CLM and hereafter referred to as WRF_CLM), and the difference in impacts. Simulations were performed from 17 December 1994 to 30 May 1995 in the French Alps. Results showed that both the CLM and the WRF_CLM were able to represent a fair simulation of snow depth with actual terrain height and 2.5~C RST temperature. When six RST methods were applied to the simulation using WRF_CLM, the simulated snow depth was the closest to observations using 2.5~C RST temperature, followed by that with Pipes', USACE, Kienzle's, Dai's, and 0~C RST temperature methods. In the case of using CLM, simulated snow depth was the closest to the observation with Dai's method, followed by with USACE, Pipes', 2.5~C RST temperature, Kienzle's, and 0~C RST temperature method. The snow depth simulation using the WRF_CLM was comparatively sensitive to changes in RST temperatures, because the RST temperature was not only the factor to partition snow and rainfall. In addition, the simulated snow related to RST temperature could induce a significant feedback by influencing the meteorological variables forcing the land surface model in WRF_CLM. In comparison, the above variables did not change with changes in RST in CLM. Impacts of RST temperatures on snow depth simulation could also be influenced by the patterns of temperature and precipitation, spatial resolution, and input terrain heights.
文莉娟Nidhi NAGABHATLA吕世华Shih-Yu WANG