Nonlinear m-term approximation plays an important role in machine learning, signal processing and statistical estimating. In this paper by means of a nondecreasing dominated function, a greedy adaptive compression numerical algorithm in the best m -term approximation with regard to tensor product wavelet-type basis is pro-posed. The algorithm provides the asymptotically optimal approximation for the class of periodic functions with mixed Besov smoothness in the L q norm. Moreover, it depends only on the expansion of function f by tensor pro-duct wavelet-type basis, but neither on q nor on any special features of f.
We study the approximation of the imbedding of functions from anisotropic and generalized Sobolev classes into L q ([0, 1]d) space in the quantum model of computation. Based on the quantum algorithms for approximation of finite imbedding from L p N to L q N , we develop quantum algorithms for approximating the imbedding from anisotropic Sobolev classes B(W p r ([0, 1] d )) to L q ([0, 1] d ) space for all 1 ? q,p ? ∞ and prove their optimality. Our results show that for p < q the quantum model of computation can bring a speedup roughly up to a squaring of the rate in the classical deterministic and randomized settings.