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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Linking the Sulu UHP belt to the Korean Peninsula:Evidence from eclogite,Precambrian basement,and Paleozoic sedimentary basins
Considerable debate on whether and how the Sulu Orogenic Belt extends eastward to the Korean Peninsula has rem...
Mingguo Zhai~(a,b,*),Jinghui Guo~(a,b),Zhong Li~a,Daizhao Chen~a,Peng Peng~a,Tiesheng Li~a, Quanlin Hou~c,Qicheng Fan~d a Institute of Geology and Geophysics,and Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100029,China b Chinese State Key Laboratory of Lithosphere Evolution,China c Graduate University,Chinese Academy of Sciences,China d Institute of Geology,Chinese Seismological Bureau,China
Geological Signature and Possible Position of the North China Block in the Supercontinent Rodinia
Recent studies suggest that the South China Block(SCB) was located at a central position in the Neoproterozoic...
Mingguo Zhai~(1*),Ji’an Shao~2,Jie Hao~1 and Peng Peng~1 1 Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,100029, China, 2 Department of Geology,Peking University,Beijing,China
河北承德大庙斜长岩杂岩体是我国唯一的岩体型斜长岩。为了确定杂岩体的形成时代,作者从杂岩体主要组成岩石——苏长岩、纹长二长岩中选取锆石作U-Pb年龄测定,所获得的结晶年龄分别是1693±7 Ma、1715±6 Ma。这些锆石U-Pb年龄数据说明,大庙斜长岩杂岩体的侵位至少持续了约20 Ma。大庙斜长岩杂岩体和密云奥长环斑花岗岩、长城系大红峪组钾质火山岩,以及广泛发育的基性岩墙群一起可能代表华北陆块1750~1650 Ma大陆裂解事件的岩浆作用产物。
研究揭示华北陆块 130 0~ 10 0 0Ma和 80 0~ 6 5 0Ma都存在比较弱的岩浆 -变质事件,它们可能对应于华南陆块的碰撞(四堡运动)和裂解事件。华北陆块的四堡期蛇绿混杂岩可能只见于新元古代秦岭造山带中。秦岭造山带北缘识别出了一些花岗质侵入体,它们具有碰撞或碰撞后花岗岩的特征。华北陆块北缘的火山沉积岩系不具有离散边界杂岩的特征,它们可能揭示了大陆边缘或者大陆伸展过程。华北陆块与 80 0~ 6 5 0Ma事件相关的岩石主要为来自富集地幔的基性岩墙和来自陆内裂谷的沉积岩,它们很可能与Rodinia裂解有关。沉积学和古生物学特征表明元古宙华北陆块不同于华南陆块,而与西伯利亚陆块相似。据此可以认为华北陆块是Rodinia超大陆的一部分,它位于超大陆的边缘,可能不与华南陆块紧邻,而与西伯利亚陆块较近。
SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating for subduction-related gran-itic rocks in the northern part of east Junggar, Xinjiang被引量:45
SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating on the Xileketehalasu granodiorite porphyry and Kalasayi monodiorite porphyry that intrude middle Devonian Beitashan Formation at the north part of east Junggar region shows that they were formed at 381±6 Ma and 376±10 Ma respectively. They are interpreted as subduction-related granitic rocks, which is the first report that the isotopic ages for the granitic rocks range from 350 to 390 Ma. Another determined age for the Kalasayi monodiorite porphyry is 408±9 Ma, representing the age of underlain Lower Devonian volcanic rocks. Thus, the U-Pb dates suggest that the northeastward subduction of Junggar ocean from southwest occurred at 408 to 376 Ma (the real inter- val may be larger). Because the ore-bearing porphyry intruded following the formation of the volcanic rocks of middle Devonian Beitashan Formation, their tec- tonic setting is similar to the Andes Mountains that hosts world-class porphyry copper deposits, and the researched area could be regarded as a potential area for prospecting large porphyry copper deposits.
ZHANG ZhaochongYAN ShenghaoCHEN BailinZHOU GangHE YongkangCHAI FengmeiHE LixinWAN Yusheng
地球在过去25亿年里曾发生过几次全球性大规模碰撞造山事件(如Grenville事件, Pan-African事件等); 地质学家由此推测大陆块自早元古代以来曾发生过周期性拼合和分离, 从而导致古超级大陆的形成和裂解[1]. 在过去10年里(1991~2001年), 被认为由约1.0 Ga Grenville造山事件所形成的超级大陆Rodinia已成为古大陆重建的一个热点[2,3]. 然而, 地质学家们在重建Rodinia过程中发现, 并非全部Rodinia组成陆块都是由Grenville造山带所焊接, 而且, 许多由Grenville造山带所焊接的大陆块内部含有更早期的全球性碰撞造山事件信息[4]. 这使得一些地质学家推测可能存在一个前Rodinia超级大陆[4,5]. 尽管这一超级大陆的形成和演化历史目前还不十分清楚, 地质学家们最近在有关其拼合、随后增生和最终裂解等方面已取得一些重要研究进展[4~10].
Reconstruction of a pre-Rodinia supercontinent: New advances and perspectives被引量:13
The global collisional orogenic events (e.g. Grenvil-lian or Pan-African event) have occurred for several times since 2.5 billion years (Ga) ago, which has led Earth scientists to speculate that continental landmasses have periodically assembled and dispersed, resulting in the assembly and breakup of supercontinent. In the last decade, the reconstruction of ancient supercontinents has been focused on Rodinia, a defined supercontinent that was assembled along the -1.0 Ga "Grenvillian" oro-gens. In reconstructing Rodinia, however, Earth scientists have noticed that not all continental blocks in the supercontinent were welded by the -1.0 Ga orogenic belts (fig. 1(a)), and that most blocks welded by the 1.0 Ga orogens contain abundant evidence that they are a
Palaeoproterozoic tectonic history of the North China craton:a review
The continental crust of the North China craton(NCC) is considered to have formed largely by the end of the Ne...
Mingguo Zhai~*,Wenjun Liu Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources,Institute of Geology & Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China
Lamprophyre or Lamproite Dyke in the S WTarim Block? —Discussion on the Petrogenesis of These Rocks and Their Source Region
The mineralogical, petrological and geochemical studies on Keliyang (克里阳) potassic dykes have been carried out to understand their rock types, the petrogenesis and the nature of their mantle sources. They arc potassic lamprophyre, not lamproites as the previous researchers believed. In this study, the whole-rock major and trace element compositions of another 6 lamproite dykes recently discovered are reported. Major elements were determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) techniques, while REE and trace elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). They can be classified into phlogopite-diopside lamprophyre, leucite-diopside lamprophyre and granular carbonatite-bearing diopside lamprophyre on the basis of their mineral components. They are all characterized by relatively low SiO2 (41.31% --44. 84% ), TIO2 (0.75%-0.86% ) and high MgO (7.30%-11.33%), K2O (4.01%-6.01%) concentrations with K2O/Na2O ratios of 2.77-12.49. In addition, they display enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs, e. g., Rb, Sr, Ba) and LREE, but a relative depletion in high-field-strength elements (HFSEs, e.g. , Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti). They display similar chondrite-normalized REE patterns with slight negative Eu anomalies (δEu=0.64-0.82), and high initial ^87 Sr/^86Sr ratios, which resemble those of high K/Ti and Iow-Ti potassic magmas formed in subduction-related settings. Consequently, we suggest that the parental magma was generated by partial melting of the phlogopite-amphibole-bearing garnet lherzolite within the lithospheric mantle that might have been metasomatized by a potassium-bearing fluid released from a sabdaction oceanic crust.