目的:用霍乱毒素亚单位B结合荧光素488和594(cholera toxin subunit B conjugated with A1exa Fluor488,594,CTB—Alexa488,594)双标记示踪技术揭示“京骨”和“大钟”穴在大鼠神经系统中的特异性联系,探讨原络配穴的神经解剖学基础。方法:用微量注射器将0.1%CTB-Alexa488和CTB-Alexa594两种示踪剂各5μL分别注入3只雄性SD大鼠后肢“京骨”和“大钟”穴区。72h后将动物灌流固定,取出脑、脊髓和脊神经节,并制成组织切片,然后直接用荧光显微镜系统观察和记录被标记的神经元。结果:在相应的激发光下,CTB-Alexa488和594标记的神经元分别呈绿色和红色,双重标记的神经元呈黄色,均位于示踪剂注入侧的相关神经组织中。在所标记到的神经元中,与“京骨”和“大钟”穴相关联的感觉神经元集中在L4~L5脊神经节,少量分布在L3和L5脊神经节,其中双标的感觉神经元主要出现在L4~L5脊神经节;与两穴相关联的运动神经元以L4~L5节段为中心呈柱状分布在L3~L6节段脊髓前角第Ⅸ层的后外侧部。结论:应用CTB-Alexa4gg和594荧光双标记示踪技术观察到了与原穴“京骨”和络穴“犬钟”相关的感觉和运动神经元在脊神经节和脊髓的分布规律。
Objective: To investigate the biochemical characteristic of the neurons associated Zusanli (ST 36) in the rat by using Alexa Fluor 594 conjugated cholera toxin subunit B (AF594-CTB) neural tracing and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) fluorescent immunohistochemical techniques. Methods: Four male Sprague Dawley rats were injected with AF594-CTB into the corresponding area of the Zusanli in the human body. After 3 surviving days, the rat's spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) at lumbar segments were dissected following perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde, cut into sections, and then stained with CGRP- fluorescent immunohistochemical method. Results: AF594-CTB labeled sensory neurons were detected in the L3-L6 DRGs with high concentration in L4 DRG, and the labeled motor neurons located in the dorsolateral and intermediate regions of lamina IX from L3-L5 segments with high concentration at L4. Meanwhile, CGRP- positive neural labeling distributed symmetrically on both sides of DRGs, anterior and dorsal horns of spinal cord. In the AF594-CTB labeled neurons, 37% sensory neurons and 100% motor neurons expressed CGRP- positive. Conclusion: These findings present the morphological evidence to demonstrate that the sensory and motor neurons associated Zusanli in the rat distributed with segmental and regional patterns, and contained CGRP-expression.