Let Г be a simple connected graph and let G be a group of automorphisms of Г. Г is said to be (G, 2)-arc transitive if G is transitive on the 2-arcs of Г. It has been shown that there exists a family of non-quasiprimitive (PSU3(q), 2)-arc transitive graphs where q = 2^3m with m an odd integer. In this paper we investigate the case where q is an odd prime power.
This paper proposes a threshold mult-proxy multi-signature scheme with share verification. In the scheme, a subset of original signers allows a designated group of proxy signers to sign on behalf of the original group. A message m has to be signed by a subset of proxy signers who can represent the proxy group. Then, the proxy signature is sent to the verifier group. A subset of verifiers in the verifier group can also represent the group to authenticate the proxy signature. In other words, some threshold values will be given to indicate the number of persons to represent a group to authorize the signing capability or to sign a message or to verify the proxy signature.