This paper introduces a method of building a prototype system of geologic profile auto-drawing.A.NET development platform and integrated environment was used along with a component based design,a B/S system model,and XML techniques.Knowledge rules for creating geologic profiles and generating virtual drilling data from existing bore data and expert,hand-drawn geologic profiles were acquired. Then a prototype system was established by utilizing the known knowledge rules,topological relationships, and semantic relationships among strata.This system has a friendly human-computer interface and can meet requirements of mutual queries between attribute and spatial data.The generated profile map is editable.This study provides a new powerful tool for underground mine work.
大气电场数据能够很好地表征地面大气电场的变化情况,对于研究雷电的发生发展具有重要意义。针对电场数据的时空海量特性给数据的存储共享以及专业分析使用都带来很大困难这一问题,根据电场数据随时间起伏变化的特点,提出时间分割基础上的压缩组织存储算法。该算法能够确保在电场数据"波动段无损"的前提下,有效降低电场冗余数据的存储,节省存储空间,提高海量数据的查询效率;基于"波动段"与"非波动段"的组织结构进一步增加了数据检索查询的灵活性。在此基础上本文基于WCF(Windows Communication Foundation)技术实现对电场数据及其压缩操作算法等的服务共享。最后采用实际电场数据进行了实例实现,充分验证了该压缩存储算法以及共享机制的有效性与可行性,能够为海量电场数据高效的专业分析使用提供支持。