In this paper we extend the construction of the field of rational numbers from the ring of integers to an arbitrary commutative ordered semigroup. We first construct a fractional ordered semigroup and a homomorphism φs : R → S^-1 R. Secondly, we characterize the commutative ordered semigroup so constructed by a universal mapping property.
W eb上用户行为的挖掘是W eb日志挖掘的重要内容,挖掘到的查找路径能够提供决策支持。分析频繁项集挖掘和路径挖掘的不同之处,提出了类Apriori算法,使之适用于路径挖掘,然后在VC++中针对预处理过的日志数据进行实验分析,获得了一些可信度高的关联页面,这些页面关联信息将有助于改进商业站点结构,提高站点的访问率。