In this paper, we propose an ultra-wideband reflective linear cross-polarization converter based on anisotropic metasurface. Its unit cell is composed of a square-shaped resonator with intersectant diagonal and metallic ground sheet separated by dielectric substrate. Simulated results show that the converter can generate resonances at four frequencies under normal incident electromagnetic(EM) wave, leading to the bandwidth expansion of cross-polarization reflection. For verification,the designed polarization converter is fabricated and measured. The measured and simulated results agree well with each other, showing that the fabricated converter can convert x- or y-polarized incident wave into its cross polarized wave in a frequency range from 7.57 GHz to 20.46 GHz with a relative bandwidth of 91.2%, and the polarization conversion efficiency is greater than 90%. The proposed polarization converter has a simple geometry but an ultra wideband compared with the published designs, and hence possesses potential applications in novel polarization-control devices.
In this paper, a linear-to-circular polarization converter using a three-layer frequency selective surface based on Ishaped circular structure resonant is presented and investigated. Numerical simulations exhibit that when the normal ypolarized waves impinge on this device propagating towards +z direction, the two orthogonal components of the transmitted waves have a 90° phase difference as well as the nearly equal amplitudes at the resonant frequency of 7.04 GHz, which means that the left-hand circular polarization is realized in transmission. For validating the proposed design, a prototype which consists of 25 × 25 elements has been designed, manufactured and measured. The measured results are in good agreement with the simulated ones, showing that the polarization conversion transmission is over-3 dB in the frequency range of 5.22–8.08 GHz and the axial ratio is below 3 dB from 5.86 GHz to 7.34 GHz.