Based on field investigation of large number of ore deposits including some latest discoveries and multidiscip...
Kezhang QIN,Shu SUN,Jiliang LI,Tonghui FANG~*,Shulai WANG~* and Wei LIU Key Laboratory of Mineral Resources.Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Beijing 100029,China * Beijing Institute of Geology for Mineral Resources,Beijing 100012,China
The Jiaoluotage ductile compressional zone(JDCZ) in the eastern Tianshan Mountains.China,developed in volcanic...
Xing-Wang Xu~(a,*),Tian-Lin Ma~b,Li-Qian Sun~b,Xin-Ping Cai~a a Institute of Geology and Geophysics.CAS.PO Box 9825.Beijing 100029,China b Institute of Geomechanics,CAGS,Beijing 100081,China