Multi-hop device-to-device(D2D) communication can significantly improve the system performance. This paper studied the outage performance of D2 D communication assisted by another D2 D user using three-timeslot two-way amplify-and-forward relaying protocol over Rayleigh fading channels. Considering the co-channel interference from cellular user at the D2 D node,the approximate expression for the overall outage probability was derived. Furthermore,a power allocation optimum method to minimize the outage probability was developed,and the closed form expression for the optimal power allocation coefficient at the relay was derived. Simulation results demonstrate accuracy of the derived outage probability expressions. Simulation results also demonstrate that the outage performance can be improved using the proposed optimal power allocation method.
在基于时间到达差(Time Difference Of Arrival,TDOA)的定位估计算法中,CHAN算法计算量小,能够在视距(Line Of Sight,LOS)传播环境下获得较高的定位精度,因而被广泛应用。但是在非视距传播环境(Non-Line Of Sight,NLOS)下,该算法的定位性能会明显下降。因为在非视距情况,尤其是密集城区,由于建筑物等障碍物的存在使得无线电信号无法直线传播,这就引入了NLOS误差;而CHAN算法中的加权矩阵只考虑了系统误差,无法消除NLOS误差。文中在基于视距环境下CHAN算法的研究基础上,对非视距引入的NLOS误差的统计特性进行分析,给出一种在NLOS情况下,通过优化非视距TDOA测量值误差的方法来改善非视距下的CHAN算法性能,并通过仿真分析了CHAN算法在不同环境模型下的定位性能。仿真结果表明,改善的CHAN算法在NLOS环境下能取得较好的定位性能。
An efficient solution for locating a target was proposed, which by using time difference of arrival (TDOA) measurements in the presence of random sensor position errors to increase the accuracy of estimation. The cause of position estimation errors in two-stage weighted least squares (TSWLS) method is analyzed to develop a simple and effective method for improving the localization performance. Specifically, the reference sensor is selected again and the coordinate system is rotated according to preliminary estimated target position by using TSWLS method, and the final position estimation of the target is obtained by using weighted least squares (WLS). The proposed approach exhibits a closed-form and is as efficient as TSWLS method. Simulation results show that the proposed approach yields low estimation bias and improved robustness with increasing sensor position errors and thus can easily achieve the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) easily and effectively improve the localization accuracy.
Random access is a well-known multiple access method for uncoordinated communication nodes.Existing work mainly focuses on optimizing iterative access protocols,assuming that packets are corrupted once they are collided,or that feedback is available and can be exploited.In practice,a packet may still be able to be recovered successfully even when collided with other packets.System design and performance analysis under such a situation,particularly when the details of collision are taken into consideration,are less known.In this paper,we provide a framework for analytically evaluating the actual detection performance in a random temporal multiple access system where nodes can only transmit.Explicit expressions are provided for collision probability and signal to interference and noise ratio(SINR)when different numbers of packets are collided.We then discuss and compare two receiver options for the AP,and provide detailed receiver design for the premium one.In particular,we propose a synchronization scheme which can largely reduce the preamble length.We also demonstrate that system performance could be a convex function of preamble length both analytically and via simulation,as well as the forward error correction(FEC)coding rate.