The conventional method which assumes the soil distribution is continuous was unsuitable for estimating soil organic carbon density(SOCD) in Karst areas because of its discontinuous soil distribution. The accurate estimation of SOCD in Karst areas is essential for carbon sequestration assessment in China. In this study, a modified method,which considers the vertical proportion of soil area in the profile when calculating the SOCD, was developed to estimate the SOCD in a typical Karst peak-cluster depression area in southwest China. In the modified method, ground-penetrating radar(GPR) technology was used to detect the distribution and thickness of soil. The accuracy of the method was confirmed through comparison with the data obtained using a validation method, in which the soil thickness was measured by excavation. In comparison with the conventional method and average-soil-depth method,the SOCD estimated using the GPR method showed the minimum relative error with respect to that obtained using the validation method. At a regional scale, the average SOCDs at depths of 0-20 cm and 0-100 cm, which were interpolated by ordinary kriging,were 1.49(ranging from 0.03-5.65) and 2.26(0.09-11.60) kgm-2based on GPR method in our study area(covering 393.6 hm2), respectively. Therefore, the modified method can be applied on the accurate estimation of SOCD in discontinuous soil areas such as Karst regions.
LI LeiXIA Yin-hangLIU Shu-juanZHANG WeiCHEN Xiang-biZHENG HuaQIU Hu-senHE Xun-yangSU Yi-rong
选取广西环江县喀斯特峰丛洼地:草丛(T)、灌丛(S)、原生林(PF)(中坡位)不同植被类型,原生林上、中、下不同坡位,按土壤发生层采集淋溶层(A层,0—10 cm)、过渡层(AB层,20—30 cm,草丛和灌丛;30—50 cm,原生林)、淀积层(B层,70—100cm)样品,研究土壤微生物量碳、氮(Soil microbial biomass carbon(SMBC)、soil microbial biomass nitrogen(SMBN))、微生物碳熵、氮熵(ratio of SMBC to soil organic carbon(qMBC)、ratio of SMBN to soil total nitrogen(qMBN))、土壤基础呼吸(soil basicrespiration(SBR))以及代谢熵(microbial metabolic quotient(qCO2))的剖面分异特征及其影响因素。结果表明,植被、土层深度显著影响土壤微生物量及基础呼吸,随植被恢复,SMBC、SMBN、SBR由草丛、灌丛、原生林依次上升,并随土壤发生层位的加深逐渐减少,qCO2在3种植被类型间差异显著:T>PF>S;原生林A层SMBC,SMBN在各坡位间均显著高于AB层、B层,SBR在A层由下坡位至上坡位递减,而在AB和B层的上、下坡位间无显著差异,qCO2坡位间无显著差异(P>0.05);SMBC与SMBN之间存在显著正相关(r=0.825,P<0.01,n=45),且SMBC、SMBN、SBR分别与有机碳、全氮、碱解氮均呈显著正相关。因此,随植被恢复,土壤质量明显改善,且坡位对A层土壤的影响较AB层和B层更显著,对于维持土壤微生物调节的土壤养分循环功能,调控土壤氮素营养与土壤有机质同等重要,这为合理制订喀斯特生态恢复措施提供了理论依据。