Based on the frequency domain training sequences, the polynomial-based carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation in multiple-input multiple-output ( MIMO ) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) systems is extensively investigated. By designing the training sequences to meet certain conditions and exploiting the Hermitian and real symmetric properties of the corresponding matrices, it is found that the roots of the polynomials corresponding to the cost functions are pairwise and that both meger CFO and fractional CFO can be estimated by the direct polynomial rooting approach. By analyzing the polynomials corresponding to the cost functions and their derivatives, it is shown that they have a common polynomial factor and the former can be expressed in a quadratic form of the common polynomial factor. Analytical results further reveal that the derivative polynomial rooting approach is equivalent to the direct one in estimation at the same signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) value and that the latter is superior to the former in complexity. Simulation results agree well with analytical results.
在多输入输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output,MIMO)系统中提出一种块分组编码与VBLAST的联合编码方案,该方案对最先检测的2层数据流采用块分组编码,其余层采用垂直分层空时码(Vertical Bell Layered Space-Time Code,VBLAST)的编码方式,MIMO系统同时具有了空时分组码(Space Time Block Code,STBC)可以降低误码率的优点与VBLAST能够提高系统容量的优点。块分组编码将数据符号按层分块后交叉通过不同的天线对发射,数据流之间产生了一定交织效果,使编码获得了更好的分集增益,在接收端结合QR分解的最大似然解码算法进行解码。仿真结果表明该联合编码方案与传统的Alamouti编码和VBLAST的联合编码方案相比误码率性能有较大改善。