Based on modified Leishman-Beddoes (L-B) state space model at low Mach number (lower than 0.3), the airfoil aeroelastic system is presented in this paper. The main modifications for L-B model include a new dynamic stall criterion and revisions of normal force and pitching moment coefficient. The bifurcation diagrams, the limit cycle oscillation (LCO) phase plane plots and the time domain response figures are applied to investigating the stall flutter bifurcation behavior of airfoil aeroelastic systems with symmetry or asymmetry. It is shown that the symmetric periodical oscillation happens after subcritical bifurcation caused by dynamic stall, and the asymmetric periodical oscillation, which is caused by the interaction of dynamic stall and static divergence, only happens in the airfoil aeroelastic system with asymmetry. Validations of the modified L-B model and the airfoil aeroelastic system are presented with the experimental airload data of NACA0012 and OA207 and experimental stall flutter data of NACA0012 respectively. Results demonstrate that the airfoil aeroelastic system presented in this paper is effective and accurate, which can be applied to the investigation of airfoil stall flutter at low Mach number.