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5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
含内部三维缺陷的试样和含复杂地质结构的物理模型制作一直是制约岩石力学试验发展的主要原因之一,鉴于3D打印(3D Printing,3DP)技术可以便捷地制作含复杂结构的三维实体,将3DP技术引入到岩体/岩石力学试验的研究中。以粉末性石膏为打印材料制作了含内部多孔洞结构和预制裂隙结构的模型试样,力学试验表明,这2种打印试样的变形特征、破坏特征、强度特征以及裂隙扩展过程与岩石类材料较为一致;利用粉末性石膏和PLA材料为打印材料,制作出了含单断层和含锚杆衬砌支护工程的隧道物理模型,试验证明了断层的存在降低了隧道的稳定性,而锚杆衬砌支护系统可以有效地提高洞室的承载能力,而且3DP隧道模型的变形破坏过程与其他岩石类材料的物理模型试验结果和工程现场观测现象较为一致。同时,将3D光学面扫描技术和3DP技术相结合建立一种含自然节理面模型的制作方法,试验测试表明该方法能够较好地复制出节理面的形貌特征,并且试样的剪切力学性质和破坏特征具有很好的稳定性和一致性。通过上述3DP试样的初步力学试验测试表明该技术在岩体力学试验研究中的可行性。最后,进一步了探讨和挖掘了3D打印技术在岩石力学和岩体工程研究中的应用潜力。
Unloading performances and stabilizing practices for columnar jointed basalt:A case study of Baihetan hydropower station被引量:4
The columnar jointed rock mass(CJR), composed of polygonal cross-sectional columns cut by several groups of joints in various directions, was exposed during the excavations of the Baihetan hydropower station, China. In order to investigate the unloading performances and the stability conditions during excavation of the columns, an experimental field study was performed. Firstly, on-site investigations indicated that the geotechnical problems, including rock relaxation, cracking and collapse, were the most prominent for the CJR Class I that contains intensive joint network and the smallest column sizes.Comprehensive field tests, including deformation measurement by multi-point extensometers, ultrasonic wave testing, borehole television observation and stress monitoring of rock anchors, revealed that the time-dependent relaxation of the CJRs was marked. The practical excavation experiences for the Baihetan columnar jointed rock masses, such as blasting scheme, supporting time of shotcrete and rock bolts, were presented in the excavations of the diversion tunnels. These detailed investigations and practical construction experiences can provide helpful information for similar geotechnical works in jointed rock mass.
Qixiang FanXiating FengWenlin WengYilin FanQuan Jiang
Equivalent elastic compliance tensor for rock mass with multiple persistent joint sets:Exact derivation via modified crack tensor被引量:1
Discontinuities constitute an integral part of rock mass and inherently affect its anisotropic deformation behavior.This work focuses on the equivalent elastic deformation of rock mass with multiple persistent joint sets.A new method based on the space geometric and mechanical properties of the modified crack tensor is proposed,providing an analytical solution for the equivalent elastic compliance tensor of rock mass.A series of experiments validate the capability of the compliance tensor to accurately represent the deformation of rock mass with multiple persistent joint sets,based on conditions set by the basic hypothesis.The spatially varying rules of the equivalent elastic parameters of rock mass with a single joint set are analyzed to reveal the universal law of the stratified rock mass.
Modeling rock specimens through 3D printing: Tentative experiments and prospects被引量:22
Current developments in 3D printing (3DP) technology provide the opportunity to produce rock-like specimens and geotechnical models through additive man- ufacturing, that is, from a file viewed with a computer to a real object. This study investigated the serviceability of 3DP products as substitutes for rock specimens and rock-type materials in experimental analysis of deformation and failure in the laboratory. These experiments were performed on two types of materials as follows: (1) compressive experiments on printed sand-powder specimens in different shapes and structures, including intact cylinders, cylinders with small holes, and cuboids with pre-existing cracks, and (2) com- pressive and shearing experiments on printed polylactic acid cylinders and molded shearing blocks. These tentative tests for 3DP technology have exposed its advantages in produc- ing complicated specimens with special external forms and internal structures, the mechanical similarity of its product to rock-type material in terms of deformation and failure, and its precision in mapping shapes from the original body to the trial sample (such as a natural rock joint). These experiments and analyses also successfully demonstrate the potential and prospects of 3DP technology to assist in the deformation and failure analysis of rock-type materials, as well as in the sim- ulation of similar material modeling experiments.
Quan JiangXiating FengLvbo SongYahua GongHong ZhengJie Cui