In this paper, a new family of homotopy elements in the stable homotopy groups of spheres represented by h1hnhm γ?s in the Adams spectral sequence is detected, where n-2≥m≥5 and 3≤s 〈p.
In 1981, Cohen constructed an infinite family of homotopy elements ζk∈ π*(S) represented by h0bk ∈ ExtA3,2(p-1)(pk+1+1)(z/p,Z/p) in the Adams spectral sequence, where p 〉 2 and k ≥ 1. In this paper, we make use of the Adams spectral sequence and the May spectral sequence to prove that the composite map ζn-1β2γs+3 is nontrivial in the stable homotopy groups of spheres πt(s,n)-s-8(S), where p ≥7, n 〉 3, 0≤s 〈p-5 andt(s,n) =2(p-1)[pn+(s+3)p2+(s+4)p+(s+3)]+s.
Let (Ω* (M), d) be the de Rham cochain complex for a smooth compact closed manifolds M of dimension n. For an odd-degree closed form H, there is a twisted de Rham cochain complex (Ω* (M), d + H∧) and its associated twisted de Rham cohomology H* (M, H). The authors show that there exists a spectral sequence {Ep/r.q, dr } derived from the filtration Fp(Ω* (M)) = (¤i〉p Ωi(M) of Ω* (M), which converges to the twisted de Rham cohomology H*(M, H). It is also shown that the differentials in the spectral sequence can be given in terms of cup products and specific elements of Massey products as well, which generalizes a result of Atiyah and Segal. Some results about the indeterminacy of differentials are also given in this paper.