A robust partial-state feedback asymptotic regulating control scheme is developed for a class of cascade systems with both nonlinear uncertainties and unknown control directions. A parameter separation technique is introduced to separate the time-varying uncertainty and the unmeasurable state from nonlinear functions. Then, the Nussbaum-type gain method together with the idea of changing supply functions is adopted in the design of a smooth partial-state regulator that can ensure all the signals of the closed-loop system are globally uniformly bounded. Especially, the system state asymptotically converges to zero. The design procedure is illustrated through an example and the simulation results show that the controller is feasible and effective.
This paper deals with the adaptive practical output maneuvering control problems for a class of nonlinear systems with uncontrollable unstable linearization. The objective is to design a smooth adaptive maneuvering controller to solve the geometric and dynamic tasks with an arbitrary small steady tracking error. The method of adding a power integrator and the robust recursive design technique are employed to force the system output to track a desired path and make the tracking speed to follow a desired speed along the path. An example is considered and simulation results are given. The proposed design procedure can be illustrated by the use of this example.
This paper considers the problems of almost asymptotic stabilization and global asymptotic regulation (GAR) by output feedback for a class of uncertain nonholonomic systems. By combining the nonsmooth change of coordinates and output feedback domination design together, we construct a simple linear time-varying output feedback controller, which can universally stabilize a whole family of uncertain nonholonomic systems. The simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed controller.