国家自然科学基金(41131066) 作品数:3 被引量:26 H指数:2 相关作者: 万卫星 徐寄遥 更多>> 相关机构: 中国科学院 更多>> 发文基金: 国家自然科学基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划 中国科学院重点部署项目 更多>> 相关领域: 天文地球 更多>>
Compressibility of Mercury’s dayside magnetosphere The Mercury is experiencing significant variations of solar wind forcing along its large eccentric orbit.With ... J.Zhong W.X.Wan Y.Wei J.A.Slavin J.M.Raines Z.J.Rong L.H.Chai X.H.Han文献传递 中国高层大气与电离层耦合研究进展 被引量:8 2014年 近年来,地球高层大气与电离层之间的耦合研究为众多学者所关注.在回顾这一领域国际上若干研究方向进展的基础上,着重介绍了中国学者的近期研究工作与贡献.首先,扼要介绍了中国高层大气观测的新发展,包括激光雷达、FP干涉仪、全天空气辉成像仪等光学探测,MST雷达、全天空流星雷达等无线电探测手段.在高层大气变化特性研究中,介绍了高层大气的气候学及各种大气波动的研究进展.在高层大气与低电离层的耦合研究方面,介绍了突发钠层及低热层钠层的观测研究和钠层模式的研究进展,以及突发E层与大气行星波之间的耦合研究工作.在高层大气波动过程与电离层F2层耦合研究中,着重介绍了电离层四波经度结构与高层大气非迁移潮汐之间的耦合特性与机理研究.在热层与电离层耦合的研究方向上,介绍了热层背景大气风场和重力波对电离层的作用、带电粒子对赤道热层的影响与热层赤道异常的形成机理研究等热层电离层相互耦合工作.综合认为,近年来中国学者在高层大气与电离层耦合的研究领域进行了大量工作,包括实验观测及数据分析、模式化与理论研究等.中国学者取得的研究成果为这一领域近年来的进展与突破做出了重要贡献. 万卫星 徐寄遥关键词:高层大气 电离层 Two-dimensional imaging of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances over China based on GPS data [1]This paper reports the first results of the 2D imaging of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances(LS... Feng Ding Weixing Wan Baiqi Ning Biqiang Zhao Qiang Li Rui Zhang Bo Xiong Qian Song文献传递 Technique for diagnosing the flapping motion of magnetotail current sheets based on single-point magnetic field analysis The magnetotail current sheet is active and often flaps back and forth.Knowledge about the flapping motion of ... Z.J.Rong S.Barabash G.Stenberg Y.Futaana T.L.Zhang W.X.Wan Y.Wei X.-D.Wang文献传递 The flapping motion of the Venusian magnetotail:Venus Express observations With a newly developed technique and magnetic field measurements obtained by the magnetometer on Venus Express... Z.J.Rong S.Barabash G.Stenberg Y.Futaana T.L.Zhang W.X.Wan Y.Wei X.D.Wang L.H.Chai J.Zhong文献传递 Time delay of interplanetary magnetic field penetration into Earth’s magnetotail Many previous studies have demonstrated that the interplanetary magnetic field(IMF) can control the magnetosph... Z.J.Rong A.T.Y.Lui W.X.Wan Y.Y.Yang C.Shen A.A.Petrukovich Y.C.Zhang T.L.Zhang Y.Wei文献传递 East-west differences in F-region electron density at midlatitude:Evidence from the Far East region [1]The global configuration of the geomagnetic field shows that the maximum east-west difference in geomagneti... Biqiang Zhao Min Wang Yungang Wang Zhipeng Ren Xinan Yue Jie Zhu Weixing Wan Baiqi Ning Jing Liu Bo Xiong文献传递 Climatology of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances observed by a GPS network in central China [1]The 15-month climatology of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) during a solar minimum... Feng Ding,Weixing Wan,Guirong Xu,Tao Yu,Guanglin Yang, and Jing-song Wang 1 Beijing National Observatory of Space Environment,Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China. 2 Institute of Heavy Rain,China Meteorological Administration, Wuhan,China. 3National Center for Space Weather,China Meteorological Administration,Beijing,China.文献传递 Comparative climatological study of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances over North America and China in 2011-2012 This paper describes a comparative study of the climatology of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances(... Feng Ding Weixing Wan Qiang Li Rui Zhang Qian Song Baiqi Ning Libo Liu Biqiang Zhao Bo Xiong文献传递 2011年5月28日磁暴期间中国地区大尺度电离层行进式扰动的GPS台网监测 利用中国大陆构造环境监测网络及全球GPS服务系统提供的中国及其周边地区的246个GPS接收台站的TEC观测资料,观测研究了2011年5月28日一次中等强度磁暴期间中国地区出现的大尺度电离层行进式扰动(LSTTD),并给出... 宋茜 丁锋 万卫星 宁百齐 赵必强关键词:GPS 文献传递