Energy cone is a unique but characteristic slope that describes the extent of deposits left around a volcano by various fiowage phenomena, usually regarded as the boundary of pyroclastic and the source region of lahar. The energy cone value is determined as 0.07 by the energy-Hne model com- bined with the parameters of plume height and gradient, and the energy cone spread extent is defined by the numerical simulation method LAHARZ to simulate with this value based on the 1 : 50 000 digi-tal elevation model of Tianchi (天池) Volcano, and the source region profiles in the north and south slope can prove the correctness of this threshold. This energy cone threshold and extent can be used as the reference of pyroelastic flow and lahar simulation.
Tephra fallout is an important type of hazard caused by explosive volcanic eruption, and numerical simulation has become a fast and effective approach to assess the dispersion and deposition of tephra fallout. According to the improved 2D diffusion model of Suzuki ( 1983), we edited a tephra diffusion program that can run in the Windows system. Based on previous data, we simulated the diffusion scope of the Jinlongdingzi volcanic eruption, which is the latest eruption in the Longgang volcanic cluster. The simulated results are in good agreement with the results from measurement in situ, indicating that the model is reliable and the parameters used in the model are suitable. By using wind profiles of ten years, 7, 021 simulations under different wind profiles were carried out, and then probabilistic hazard maps of tephra fallout were constructed for tephra thickness thresholds, lcm and 0.5cm. This study can provide an important scientific basis for volcanic hazard analysis, risk mitigation plans and countermeasures in the Longgang volcanic area.
In this paper, with the application of satellite thermal infrared remote sensing technique, nine land surface temperature distribution maps of Changbaishan Tianchi volcano area are retrieved from nine thermal infrared images which are taken from 1999 to 2008. In terms of NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), we classify the surface cover of the study area into three types, i.e. vegetation (forest), mixture of soil and vegetation (short grasses), and bare rock. The average temperature of each type of surface covers is calculated first, and then the average daily temperature record from Tianchi meteorological station is subtracted in order to reduce the effect of weather variation. Finally, thermal anomalies of three types of surface cover in Changbaishan Tianchi vol-cano area in the period of 1999 to 2008 are obtained, which is believed to reflect the magmatic activity in the magma chamber under Tianchi volcano caldera. Our results indicate that temperature of the study area increased with an intermittent tendency during 1999 to 2005, but dropped after 2005, and then maintained a relatively stable state from 2006 to 2008. Such a tendency of annual temperature variation possibly caused by magmatic activity is correlated with the results observed by means of seismic monitoring, ground deformation from GPS measurement, and volcanic gas geochemistry monitoring in the same area. It is im-plied that the upward intrusion of magma may cause temperature increase, and such temperature variation is great enough so that could be detected by using satellite thermal infrared remote sensing technology.