- 作品数:1 被引量:1H指数:1
- 相关作者:韩磊董绍俊更多>>
- 相关机构:中国科学院大学中国科学院更多>>
- 发文基金:国家自然科学基金国家重点基础研究发展计划更多>>
- 相关领域:理学更多>>
- TiO2 Nanotube Array: an Intrinsic Peroxidase Mimetics
- <正>TiO2 nanotube array (NTA) has gained much attention owing to the combination of geometric features with the...
- Lingling ZHANGLei HANPeng HULi WANGShaojun DONG
- 文献传递
- Self-Powered Controlling Fluorescence Switch Systems Based on Biofuel Cells
- <正>Electrical stimuli-responsive fluorescence systems have attracted particular attention in their promising a...
- Lu BAILihua JINLei HANShaojun DONG
- 文献传递
- A Simple and Colorimetric Platform for Multiplex Detection
- <正>The development of small-molecule detection assay has always been a major research interest in biomedical a...
- Peng HUShaojun DONG
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- High-Performance BiOBr Ultraviolet Photodetector Fabricated by a Green and Facile Interfacial Self-Assembly Strategy
- <正>A green, efficient and facile strategy to prepare BiOBr film through water-air interfacial self-assembly wa...
- Zhikun XULei HANBaohua LOUXiaowei ZHANGShaojun DONG
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- Design and Application of a Newly Microbial Bioassay for Determining and Monitoring Toxicity
- <正>Rapid development of industrial activities results in increasing water pollution[1,2]. Because the pollutan...
- Junfeng ZHAIDan LIDaming YONGShaojun DONG
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- Mediator-less Water Toxicity Testing Based on Electrochemically Active Bacteria
- <正>The determination and monitoring of toxic chemicals in water are important for human healthy and country se...
- Dengbin YULu BAIJunfeng ZHAIChangyu LIUShaojun DONG
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- DNA-Templated Ag Nanoclusters as Signal Transducers for a Label-Free and Resettable Keypad Lock
- <正>A molecular keypad lock is distinguished from a simple molecular logic gate as its output signals are depen...
- Zhixue ZHOUShaojun DONG
- 文献传递
- 基于功能性纳米材料的新型电化学界面的构筑以及相关应用(英文)被引量:1
- 2014年
- 由于独特的光、电、磁以及催化性质,功能性纳米材料的研究已经渗透到各个学科并在不同领域展示出潜在的应用前景,尤其是利用纳米材料构建功能性电极界面、研究其电化学行为并发展新颖的电化学纳米器件引起了了人们的广泛关注.本篇综述主要介绍作者研究小组在以功能性纳米材料构建新颖的电化学界面的最新进展,集中关注其在电化学传感器、燃料电池以及光谱电化学中的应用.这些纳米材料的应用极大地增强了电子转移、提高了电化学传感器的灵敏度以及燃料电池的催化效率.作者也通过合成一些光谱匹配的荧光以及电致变色纳米材料构建新颖的荧光光谱电化学器件,同时在材料的合成组装、多重刺激响应体系以及多功能化进行探索.最后,作者对这类基于纳米材料的电化学器件的发展和应用予以展望.
- 朱成周韩磊董绍俊
- 关键词:功能纳米材料电化学传感器燃料电池
- Energetic Carbon-based Hybrids: Green, Facile Synthesis from Soy Milk, Extraordinary Electrocatalytic towards ORR
- <正>Increasing energy dem,s have stimulated intense research on alternative energy conversion, storage systems ...
- Yanling ZHAIChengzhou ZHUErkang WANGShaojun DONG
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