We present a scheme to simulate SH-wave propagation in a whole-Earth model with arbitrary lateral heterogeneities employing the Fourier pseudospectral method. Wave equations are defined in two-dimensional cylindrical coordinates and the model is taken through a great circle of the Earth. Spatial derivatives in the wave equations are calculated in the wavenumber domain by multiplication, and the transformation between spatial and wavenumber domains is performed via fast Fourier transformation. Because of the high accuracy and high speed of the Fourier pseudospectral method, the scheme enables us to calculate a short-wavelength global SH-wavefield with accurate waveforms and arrival times for models with heterogeneities that can be approximated as azimuthally symmetric. Comparing with two-dimensional simulation methods based on an axisymmetric model, implementing the seismic source in the present scheme is more convenient. We calculated the global SH-wavefield for the preliminary reference Earth model to identify the generation, reflection and refraction of various seismic phases propagating in the Earth. Applications to a heterogeneous global model with low-velocity perturbation above the core-mantle boundary were conducted to analyze the effect of lateral heterogeneity on global SH-wave propagation.
We present a parallel hybrid algorithm based on pseudospectral method (PSM) and finite difference method (FDM) for two-dimensional (2-D) global SH- wavefield simulation. The whole-Earth model is taken as a cross section of spherical Earth, and corresponding wave equations are defined in 2-D cylindrical coordinates. Spatial derivatives in the wave equations are approximated with efficient and high accuracy PSM in the lateral and high-order FDM in the radial direction on staggered grids. This algorithm allows us to divide the whole-Earth into sub-domains in radial direction and implement efficient parallel computing on PC cluster, while retains high accuracy and efficiency of PSM in lateral direction. A transformation of moment tensor between 3-D spherical Earth and our 2-D model was proposed to give corre- sponding moment tensor components used in 2-D modeling. Comparison of modeling results with those obtained by direct solution method shows very good accuracy of our algorithm. We also demonstrate its feasibility with a lateral heterogeneous whole-Earth model with localized velocity perturbation.