作为Internet环境下的一种新型的软件形态,网构软件对传统的软件开发理论、方法与技术提出了一系列的挑战.作为一种以软件复用为核心思想、以软件构件为基本实体、以软件体系结构为中心、以软件中间件为运行支撑的软件开发方法学,ABC(architecture based component composition)方法能够有力支持网构软件的开发.其中,基于特征的领域建模以及特定应用的特征模型剪裁方法和技术,反映了网构软件在问题空间实现自底向上、从“无序”到“有序”的构造过程;基于自适应软件体系结构的分析与设计方法,支持自适应网构软件的开发;具有反射机制、支持自主构件的中间件平台则为网构软件的运行,尤其是网构软件结构的自适应和实体的自适应提供支撑机制.
As a new software paradigm evolved by the Internet, Internetware brings many challenges for the traditional software development methods and techniques. Though architecture-based component composition (ABC) approach is originated in the traditional software paradigm, it supports the engineering of Internetware effectively due to its philosophy, rationales and mechanisms. ABC has three major contributions to the en- gineering of Internetware in detail. First, the feature oriented domain modeling method can structure the "disordered" "software entities" to "ordered Internetware" bottom-up in the problem space. Second, the architecture centric design and analysis method can support the development of self-adaptive Internetware. Third, the component operating platform is a reflective and self-adaptive middleware that not only provides Internetware with a powerful and flexible runtime infrastructure but also enables the self-adaptation of the structure and individual entities of Internetware.