The quantum vibrational energy-spectra including high excited states of the protein molecules have been calculated by new theory of bio-energy transport along the protein molecules and its dynamic equation, discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation, appropriate to the protein molecules on the basis of the level of molecular structure. This energy-spectra obtained are basically consistent with the experimental values by infrared absorption and radiated measurement of person’s hands and laser-Raman spectrum from metabolically active E.Coli.. From this energy-spectra we know that the infrared lights with (1-3)x1000nm and (5-7)x1000nm wavelength can be absorbed by the protein molecules in the living systems. In accordance with the non-linear theory of the bio-energy transport we know that the energy of the infrared light absorbed by the proteins can result in vibrations of amide-I in amino acids and can facilitate the bio-energy transport along the protein molecular chains from one place to other for the growth of living bodies. This processe is non-thermal. This is just non-thermal effect of the infrared lights. According to the mechanism we explained further the medical functions of the infrared lights absorbed.
PANG Xiao-feng Institute of High-energy Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu 610054 and International centre for Materialsphysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shenyang 110015,China
用新建立的非线性动力学模型研究了DNA的非线性特性及它的复制与遗传 ,转录和转译等生物功能。这个新的模型强调了碱基氢键中的氢原子的独特作用 ,使用了三个动力学变量来描述氢原子在双Morse势中的振动及碱基的振动与转动 ,并充分考虑了三个运动模之间的耦合效应。应用这模型得到了复制与转录的特性 ,说明了DNA的分型特征及D DNA A DNA以及B DNA Z