We suggest a design method of graded-refractive-index (GRIN) antireflection (AR) coating for s-polarized or p- polarized light at off-normal incidence. The spectrum characteristic of the designed antireflection coating with a quintic effective refractive-index profile for a given state of polarization has been discussed. In addition, the genetic algorithm was used to optimize the refractive index profile of the GRIN antireflection for reducing the mean reflectance of s- and p-polarizations. The average reflectance loss was reduced to only 0.04% by applying optimized GRIN AR coatings onto BK7 glass over the wavelength range from 400 to 800 nm at the incident angle of θo = 70°.
A methodology for the fabrication of composite (Nb205)l-x(SiO2)~ thin-film rugate filters by using pulsed direct current magnetron sputtering is presented. The two materials are mixed using rapidly alternating deposition technol- ogy. The optical properties of the composite films varying with the composition of the material are studied in detail, Refractive indices between 1.50 and 2.14 can be realized in our coating system. Two designed rugate filters with a re- flection band at the wavelength of 532 nm are fabricated using an automatic deposition process. The microstructure of the rugate filter is investigated by using scanning electron microscopy. The calculated and the measured transmittance spectra axe in good agreement with each other, The causes of the slight differences between them are also analysed.