In this paper,a transversely isotropic piezoelectric half-space with the isotropy axis parallel to the z-axis is considered under rotation on a rigid circular disk bonded to the surface of the piezoelectric medium.This is a type of Reissner-Sagoci mixed boundary value problem.By utilizing the Hankel transform,the mixed boundary value problem is simplified into solving a pair of dual integral equations.Full-field analytical expressions for displacement,stresses,and electric displacement inside the half-space are obtained.The shear stresses and electric displacement on the surface are found to be singular at the edge of the rigid circular disk,and the stress intensity factors and electric displacement intensity factor are defined.Numerical results show that material properties and geometric size have significant effects on displacement,shear stresses,and electric displacement.
In a very recent article of mine I have corrected the traditional derivation of the Schwarzschild metric thus arriving to formulate a correct Schwarzschild metric different from the traditional Schwarzschild metric. In this article, starting from this correct Schwarzschild metric, I also propose corrections to the other traditional Reissner-Nordstrøm, Kerr and Kerr-Newman metrics on the basis of the fact that these metrics should be equal to the correct Schwarzschild metric in the borderline case in which they reduce to the case described by this metric. In this way, we see that, like the correct Schwarzschild metric, also the correct Reissner-Nordstrøm, Kerr and Kerr-Newman metrics do not present any event horizon (and therefore do not present any black hole) unlike the traditional Reissner-Nordstrøm, Kerr and Kerr-Newman metrics.
The finite element method (FEM) plays a valuable role in computer modeling and is beneficial to the mechanicaldesign of various structural parts. However, the elements produced by conventional FEM are easily inaccurate andunstable when applied. Therefore, developing new elements within the framework of the generalized variationalprinciple is of great significance. In this paper, an 8-node plane hybrid finite element with 15 parameters (PHQ8-15β) is developed for structural mechanics problems based on the Hellinger-Reissner variational principle.According to the design principle of Pian, 15 unknown parameters are adopted in the selection of stress modes toavoid the zero energy modes.Meanwhile, the stress functions within each element satisfy both the equilibrium andthe compatibility relations of plane stress problems. Subsequently, numerical examples are presented to illustrate theeffectiveness and robustness of the proposed finite element. Numerical results show that various common lockingbehaviors of plane elements can be overcome. The PH-Q8-15β element has excellent performance in all benchmarkproblems, especially for structures with varying cross sections. Furthermore, in bending problems, the reasonablemesh shape of the new element for curved edge structures is analyzed in detail, which can be a useful means toimprove numerical accuracy.
In the Newman-Penrose formalism,we prove that the Reissner-Nordstrom metric is the only asymptotically fat,static,axially symmetric,Petrov type-D analytic solution of the electro-vacuum Einstein-Maxwell equations near the null infinity.
This paper investigates observable signatures of hot spots orbiting Reissner-Nordström(RN)black holes and naked singularities.For an RN black hole,we find two discernible lensing image tracks in time integrated images,capturing a complete orbit of hot spots and a image shadow within the critical curve where photons with a small impact parameter fall into the event horizon.Conversely,in RN singularities,additional image tracks can be found within the critical curve,originating from photons reflected by the infinitely high effective potential well.Moreover,we find incomplete and converging tracks from the time integrated images of hot spot orbiting RN singularities that have no photon sphere.The presence of these additional image tracks significantly influences temporal magnitudes at their local maxima,enabling us to differentiate between RN black holes and RN naked singularities.
We investigate the phenomenon of pair production of massive scalar particles with magnetic charge near the horizon of a magnetized dyonic Reissner-Nordstrom black hole.The intrinsic symmetry between the electric and magnetic quantities in the Einstein-Maxwell equations suggests that the pair can be generated through Hawking radiation and the Schwinger effect,provided that the Dirac quantization condition is satisfied.
We calculate the thermodynamic quantities in the quantum corrected Reissner-Nordstr?m-AdS(RN-AdS)black hole,and examine their quantum corrections.By analyzing the mass and heat capacity,we give the critical state and the remnant state,respectively,and discuss their consistency.Then,we investigate the quantum tunneling from the event horizon of massless scalar particle by using the null geodesic method,and charged massive boson W^(±)and fermions by using the Hamilton-Jacob method.It is shown that the same Hawking temperature can be obtained from these tunneling processes of different particles and methods.Next,by using the generalized uncertainty principle(GUP),we study the quantum corrections to the tunneling and the temperature.Then the logarithmic correction to the black hole entropy is obtained.