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使用柏林自由大学发布的1980—2020年近赤道站点探空月平均纬向风资料,首先评估ERA5赤道地区平流层中低层纬向风,然后结合ERA5、NCEP1、NCEP2、CFSR、JRA55和MERRA2等六套再分析资料和探空资料,分析了热带平流层准两年振荡(Quasi-Biennial Oscillation,QBO)位相转换时间、周期和振幅的年际变化以及QBO周期和振幅的长期变化趋势。结果表明,ERA5的赤道平流层中低层纬向风存在明显的QBO信号,且ERA5的各层纬向风与探空资料的相关系数都大于0.97,除10 hPa外,均方根误差(RMSE)都小于3;再分析资料与探空资料的QBO位相转换时间的差异主要为超前或滞后1个月,总体上,ERA5和MERRA2与探空资料最接近;再分析资料与探空资料QBO周期以及东、西风位相持续时间都很接近,相关系数高达0.97以上,RMSE几乎都小于1,且几乎都无显著长期变化趋势,但都表现出随时间越来越不稳定的特征,其中ERA5和MERRA2同样与探空资料更接近;探空资料的QBO振幅在10 hPa和50 hPa显著减弱,30 hPa和70 hPa显著增强,但在20 hPa变化趋势不明显,ERA5的QBO振幅变化趋势和年际变化与探空资料最接近,其次是JRA55和MERRA2。
Inter-annual variations of 6.5-day planetary waves and their relations with QBO被引量:1
This paper studies inter-annual variations of 6.5-Day Waves(6.5 DWs) observed at altitudes 20-110 km between 52°S-52°N latitudes during March 2002-January 2021, and how these variations were related to the equatorial stratospheric Quasi-Biennial Oscillation(QBO). Temperature amplitudes of the 6.5 DWs are calculated based on SABER/TIMED observations. QBO zonal winds are obtained from an ERA5 reanalysis dataset. QBO phases are derived using an Empirical Orthogonal Functions(EOF) method. Wavelet analysis of the observed 6.5 DW variations demonstrates obvious spectral maximums around 28-38 months at 32°N-52°N, and around 26-30 months at 32°S-52°S. In the Northern Hemisphere, peak periods lengthened poleward;in the Southern Hemisphere, however,they were unchanged with latitude. Residual 6.5 DWs amplitudes have been determined by removing composite amplitudes from 6.5 DWs amplitudes. Comparisons between QBO and monthly maximum residual 6.5 DWs amplitudes(AMmax) show clear correlations between the QBO and 6.5 DWs in both hemispheres, but the observed relationship is stronger in the NH. When AMmax NH, the mean QBO profile was easterly at all levels from 70 to 5 hPa;when the AMmax below 30 hPa. Linear Pearson correlation coefficients between QBO phases and AMmax 20°N-52°N in April and around 64 km at 24°S in February, and large negative values from 80 to 110 km between 20°N-50°N in August and at 96-106 km between 20°S-44°S in February. These results indicate quantitative correlations between QBO and 6.5 DWs and provide credible evidences for further studies of QBO modulations on long-term variations of 6.5 DWs.
YingYing HuangJun CuiHuiJun LiChongYin Li
Intensified Impact of the Equatorial QBO in August–September on the Northern Stratospheric Polar Vortex in December–January since the Late 1990s
This study reveals an intensified impact of the equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation(QBO)in August–September(QBO_AS)on the northern stratospheric polar vortex(SPV)in December–January(SPV_DJ)since the late 1990s.The unstable relationship may be related to the differences in the deep convection anomaly over the tropical western Pacific and Indian Oceans in October–November(ON)related to the QBO_AS prior to and after the late 1990s.During 1998–2017,the easterly phase of the QBO_AS is accompanied by a colder tropical tropopause in ON,which enhances the deep convective activity over the tropical western Pacific and suppresses it over the Indian Ocean.The deep convection anomaly generates anomalous Rossby waves that propagate into the northern mid-to-high latitudes to constructively interfere with the climatological wavenumber-1 and wavenumber-2 components,thereby resulting in enhanced upward-propagating tropospheric planetary-scale waves and a weakened SPV_DJ anomaly.During1979–1997,however,the deep convection anomaly over the tropical western Pacific and Indian Oceans in ON related to the easterly phase of the QBO_AS is weaker and shifts eastward,which excites the anomalous Rossby waves to constructively/destructively interfere with the climatological wavenumber-1 component in the midlatitudes/high latitudes,thereby weakening the upward-propagating planetary-scale waves and leading to a weaker linkage with the SPV_DJ.Further analyses reveal that the unstable relationship may be associated with the interdecadal differences in deep convection over the tropical western Pacific and Indian Oceans and the upward-propagating tropospheric planetary-scale waves in ON.
Simulation of the QBO in IAP-AGCM:Analysis of momentum budget
The quasi-biennial oscillation(QBO),a dominant mode of the equatorial stratospheric(~100–1 hPa)variability,is known to impact tropospheric circulation in the middle and high latitudes.Yet,its realistic simulation in general circulation models remains a challenge.The authors examine the simulated QBO in the 69-layer version of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics Atmospheric General Circulation Model(IAP-AGCML69)and analyze its momentum budget.The authors find that the QBO is primarily caused by parameterized gravity-wave forcing due to tropospheric convection,but the downward propagation of the momentum source is significantly offset by the upward advection of zonal wind by the equatorial upwelling in the stratosphere.Resolved-scale waves act as a positive contribution to the total zonal wind tendency of the QBO over the equator with comparable magnitude to the gravity-wave forcing in the upper stratosphere.Results provide insights into the mechanism of the QBO and possible causes of differences in models.
Zhaoyang ChaiMinghua ZhangQingcun ZengJinbo XieTing YouHe Zhang
本研究采用1979-2014年ERA-interim逐月再分析资料,其水平分辨率为1.5°×1.5°经纬网格,垂直方向上选取了30hPa、50hPa、100hPa共三层进行对比研究。采用趋势消除法去除了QBO以外的影响因素,用super-imposed epoch提取出极区平流层中低层纬向风中的QBO信号。研究表明,赤道平流层纬向风的准两年振荡(QBO)与北极上空的大气环流之间存在一定的联系,随着QBO的周期性变化,北极上空的大气运动也会表现出相应的变化。对1979-2014年近40年的风场资料的分析中得出,北半球55-65°N平流层纬向风的强度与QBO信号之间存在系数上的负相关性。北极极涡又是北极地区的代表性环流系统,它是存在于极区平流层中下层的大型环流系统。所以本文结合平流层中低层纬向风季节和季节内变化特征进行分析,探讨了赤道QBO信号与极区平流层纬向风之间的关系,并提取出极涡纬向风中的QBO信号,旨在为研究北极极涡提供理论依据。
Quasi-6-day waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region and their possible coupling with the QBO and solar 27-day rotation被引量:4
By using atmospheric wind data in the mesopause and lower thermosphere(MLT)region,features of seasonal variations in the quasi-6-day wave(6DW)at different latitudes are analyzed,and modulation of the 6DW by the diurnal tide and solar 27-day period is discussed.The data used in the analysis are extracted from a wind dataset collected by a meteor radar chain from December 2008 to November 2017.The meteor radar chain includes four stations,in Mohe,Beijing,Wuhan,and Sanya.Features of seasonal variations in the 6DW indicate that in summer the 6DW is usually strongest during July and August,followed by stronger variations in January and April.At certain altitudes over Wuhan and Sanya,the 6DW is slightly different in different years and altitudes.In our analysis of seasonal variations in the 6DW,we find that it is generally affected by annual oscillations and semiannual oscillations.The annual oscillations of the 6DW in the mid-low latitudes are modulated by the quasibiennial oscillation in the diurnal tide,resulting in seasonal features that are different from those at other latitudes.In addition,the 6DW amplitude at mid-high latitudes has a significant 27-day solar rotation variation,which was prominent in 2016.
JianYuan WangWen YiTingDi ChenXiangHui Xue
Combined effect of the QBO and ENSO on the MJO
This study investigates the combined effect of the El Nino–Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation(QBO) on the Madden Julian Oscillation(MJO). The results show that the western Pacific MJO originating from the Indian Ocean during La Nina/QBO easterly years is stronger than that during El Nino years. This relation, however, disappears during La Nina/QBO westerly years. The reason is that ENSO and the QBO have different effects on each MJO event. For an El Nino year, there is only about one MJO event, and the QBO effect is small. During a La Nina/QBO easterly year, there are 1.7 MJO events, while during a La Nina/QBO westerly year, there are only 0.6 MJO events. El Nino can reinforce the MJO over the western Pacific because of the positive moisture advection of the El Nino mean state by MJO easterly wind anomalies. The QBO mainly affects the MJO over the Maritime Continent region by changing the high-cloud-controlled diurnal cycle;and the Maritime Continent barrier effect is enhanced during the QBO westerly phase because of the strong diurnal cycle. During El Nino years, even the MJO over the Maritime Continent is suppressed by the QBO westerly phase;the MJO can be reinforced over the western Pacific. During La Nina/QBO westerly years,the MJO over the Maritime Continent is suppressed because of the strong Maritime Continent diurnal cycle, and it is further suppressed over the western Pacific because of the lack of a reinforcement process.
使用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、中国气象局台站降水资料和GPCC降水资料,系统研究了在冬季平流层准两年振荡(Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, QBO)调制下,厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Ni■o-Southern Oscillation,ENSO)不同阶段与中国夏季降水的可能联系。根据两者的位相和强度,可将它们的配置分为QBO西风/El Ni■o、QBO西风/La Ni■a、QBO东风/El Ni■o、QBO东风/La Ni■a。研究结果表明,在年际时间尺度上,ENSO和QBO无显著相关关系。冬季QBO西风位相时,El Ni■o发展年夏季,我国整体偏旱,而华南偏涝;衰减年夏季,华南、华东北部偏旱,东北、长江流域偏涝。La Ni■a发展年夏季,我国东部降水异常呈负-正-负的三极分布;衰减年夏季,东南沿海偏涝。冬季QBO东风位相时,El Ni■o发展年夏季,长江以北偏旱;衰减年夏季,我国东部降水异常呈负-正-负的三极分布。La Ni■a发展年夏季,江淮和华南南部偏旱;衰减年夏季,我国东部沿海偏涝。ENSO是影响我国夏季降水异常的重要因子,而QBO的调制作用在ENSO衰减年夏季更为显著。相比冬季QBO东(西)风位相,QBO西(东)风位相时El Ni■o (La Ni■a)期间赤道西太平洋负(正)海温异常更强,衰减年夏季位于西太平洋的异常下沉(上升)运动和印度洋的异常上升(下沉)运动更强更深厚,西太平洋副热带高压范围更大(小),南亚高压更偏东(西)。


研究主题:电离层 赤道异常 行星波 赤道 QBO
研究主题:平流层 对流层 青藏高原 气溶胶 臭氧
研究主题:臭氧总量 卫星 卫星遥感监测 臭氧 春季
研究主题:台风 中小河流 海风锋 暴雨 QBO
研究主题:气候学 年际变化 大气热源 大气环流 水汽汇