搜索到228篇“ POST-PEAK“的相关文章
Numerical analysis on the factors affecting post-peak characteristics of coal under uniaxial compression
The post-peak characteristics of coal serve as a direct reflection of its failure process and are essential parameters for evaluating brittleness and bursting liability.Understanding the significant factors that influence post-peak characteristics can offer valuable insights for the prevention of coal bursts.In this study,the Synthetic Rock Mass method is employed to establish a numerical model,and the factors affecting coal post-peak characteristics are analyzed from four perspectives:coal matrix mechanical parameters,structural weak surface properties,height-to-width ratio,and loading rate.The research identifies four significant influencing factors:deformation modulus,density of discrete fracture networks,height-to-width ratio,and loading rate.The response and sensitivity of post-peak characteristics to single-factor and multi-factor interactions are assessed.The result suggested that feasible prevention and control measures for coal bursts can be formulated through four approaches:weakening the mechanical properties of coal pillars,increasing the number of structural weak surfaces in coal pillars,reducing the width of coal pillars,and optimizing mining and excavation speed.The efficacy of measures aimed at weakening the mechanical properties of coal is successfully demonstrated through a case study on coal burst prevention using large-diameter borehole drilling.
Zhiguo LuWenjun JuFuqiang GaoTaotao Du
岩体工程灾害是围岩内部原生裂隙/节理起裂、发育到失稳破坏的演化结果,而灾害严重程度与峰后岩体断裂动态扩展特征密切相关.为了实现峰后阶段岩石非线性断裂扩展精准表征及裂纹长度动态定量测定,本文以含预制缺口的石英岩为对象,通过夹式引伸计控制实现了石英岩三点弯曲I型断裂峰后阶段的准静态扩展,借助声发射(AE)和数字图像匹配(DIC)动态追踪了石英岩峰后循环加卸载断裂扩展全过程,提出了能耗展布-位移梯度-力学柔度相结合的非线性裂纹长度定量测定方法,并将动态测定结果与断裂力学理论模型进行了对比验证.结果表明:随着循环次数增加,裂纹张开位移-载荷(COD-P)和载荷点位移-载荷(LPD-P)曲线卸载斜率逐渐变缓柔度增加,裂纹逐渐向前扩展,试样承载能力逐渐下降;每次循环中,声发射在时间上集中出现在峰前损伤应力到峰后卸载点间,在空间分布集聚于裂纹的中上部区域,其定位坐标前端与DIC水平位移等值线交点相重合;在整个加卸载过程中,由AE能耗展布和DIC位移梯度法确定的裂纹长度相接近,其与基于COD-P和LPD-P曲线卸载柔度法反算的裂纹长度差值稳定在5.1 mm,该差值为石英岩断裂过程区(FPZ)长度;通过Dugdale-Barenblatt模型理论计算的石英岩FPZ长度为7.6 mm,其与声-图-力实测结果进行尺寸效应延伸获得无穷大尺寸FPZ渐进临界值吻合较好,验证了本文方法定量测定岩石非线性断裂扩展长度的可靠性,也表明了通过尺寸效应准则延伸来获取工程尺度岩体力学参数的重要性.
Fermented calcium butyrate supplementation in post-peak laying hens improved ovarian function and tibia quality through the“gut-bone”axis
The compromised egg quality and leg abnormality during the end of the laying cycle(after 40 weeks)have been leading to poor animal welfare and substantial economic losses.Therefore,the effects of fermented calcium(Ca)butyrate,produced by fermentation by Clostridium butyricum,on production,eggshell quality,and tibial property of hens were explored.A total of 192 Hy-line brown laying hens at50-week-old were assigned to a basal diet or the basal diet with 300 mg/kg of the fermented Ca butyrate from 50 to 58 weeks of age.Each treatment had 6 replicates with 16 hens each.The diet supplemented with 300 mg/kg fermented Ca butyrate notably increased egg weight,ovarian follicle number,and eggshell strength(P=0.072)as compared to the basal diet,which were associated with cytokine secretion,toll-like receptor signaling pathways,and intestinal immunity based on the RNA-seq data from the granulosa.Dietary Ca butyrate inclusion decreased the expression of ileal tumor necrosis factor-alpha and serum pro-inflammatory cytokine concentration,as well as increased the content of serum immunoglobulin A when compared to the basal diet(both P<0.05).The birds that received fermented Ca butyrate diets exhibited higher villus height(P<0.05)and upregulated expression of tight junction proteins,whereas it did not alter the composition of cecal microbiota(P>0.05).In addition,the diet with fermented Ca butyrate reduced the number of osteoclasts in the proximal tibia and the level of C-terminal cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen,a bone resorption marker(P<0.05),whereas it tended to increase the concentration of the procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide that reflects bone formation marker in serum.Moreover,the layers fed fermented Ca butyrate diets possessed higher(P<0.05)bone area and trabecular number of the proximal tibia,yield load,and ultimate load than those that consumed basal diets.Collectively,dietary fermented Ca butyrate supplementation in post-peak layer diets improved the ovarian function and tibia quality,which might b
Huaiyong ZhangYongshuai WangYilu WangBin WeiLeilei WangMinh Tu NguyenXiangyun LvYanqun HuangWen Chen
A post-peak dilatancy model for soft rock and its application in deep tunnel excavation被引量:1
The dilation angle is the most commonly used parameter to study nonlinear post-peak dilatancy(PPD)behavior and simulate surrounding rock deformation;however,simplified or constant dilatancy models are often used in numerical calculations owing to their simple mathematical forms.This study developed a PPD model for rocks(rock masses)based on the Alejanoe-Alonso(A-A)dilatancy model.The developed model comprehensively reflects the influences of confining pressure(σ_(3))and plastic shear strain(γ^(p)),with the advantages of a simple mathematical form,while requiring fewer parameters and demonstrating a clear physical significance.The overall fitting accuracy of the PPD model for 11 different rocks was found to be higher than that of the A-A model,particularly for Witwatersrand quartzite and jointed granite.The applicability and reliability of the PPD model to jointed granites and different scaled Moura coals were also investigated,and the model was found to be more suitable for the soft and large-scale rocks,e.g.deep rock mass.The PPD model was also successfully applied in studying the mechanical response of a circular tunnel excavated in strain-softening rock mass,and the developed semi-analytical solution was compared and verified with existing analytical solutions.The sensitivities of the rock dilatancy to γ^(p) and σ_(3) showed significant spatial variabilities along the radial direction of the surrounding rock,and the dilation angle did not exhibit a monotonical increasing or decreasing law from the elasticeplastic boundary to the tunnel wall,thereby presenting the σ3-or γ^(p)-dominated differential effects of rock dilatancy.Tunnel deformation parabolically or exponentially increased with increasing in situ stress(buried depth).The developed PPD model is promising to conduct refined numerical and analytical analyses for deep tunneling,which produces extensive plastic deformation and exhibits significant nonlinear post-peak behavior.
Wuqiang CaiHehua ZhuWenhao LiangXiaojun WangChenlong SuXiangyang Wei
Mechanical behavior of sandstone during post-peak cyclic loading and unloading under hydromechanical coupling被引量:3
This paper investigates mechanical behaviours of sandstone during post-peak cyclic loading and unloading subjected to hydromechanical coupling effect, confirming the peak and residual strengths reduction laws of sandstone with water pressure, and revealing the influence of water pressure on the upper limit stress and deformation characteristics of sandstone during post-peak cyclic loading and unloading.Regarding the rock strength, the experimental study confirms that the peak strength σ_(p) and residual strength σ_(r) decrease as water pressure P increases. Especially, the normalized strength parameters σ_(p)/σ_(pk) and σ_(r)/σ_(re) was negatively and linearly correlated with the P/σ_(3). Moreover, the Hoek-Brown strength criterion can be applied to describe the relationship between effective peak strength and effective confining stress. During post-peak cyclic loading and unloading, both the upper limit stress σ_(p(i)) and crack damage threshold stress σ_(cd(i)) of each cycle tend to decrease with the increasing cycle number. A hysteresis loop exists among the loading and unloading stress–strain curves, indicating the unloading deformation modulus E_(unload) is larger than the loading deformation modulus E_(load). Based on experimental results,a post-peak strength prediction model related to water pressure and plastic shear strain is established.
Yanlin ZhaoJinhai LiuChunshun ZhangHouquan ZhangJian LiaoSitao ZhuLianyang Zhang
开采扰动导致煤层底板一定范围内岩体处于峰后状态,受相邻巷道开挖及煤层开采作用促使峰后岩体经历循环加−卸载过程,为探究不同地应力环境下峰后循环载荷作用对岩体结构的影响,明晰煤层底板突水等灾害的孕育过程,基于Rock Top多场耦合试验仪对砂岩开展了5、10、15、20、25 MPa围压峰后循环载荷试验研究。研究结果表明:①峰后循环载荷作用之前,岩石单位渗透率均呈快速下降—趋于平稳—突然上升—突然下降—趋于平稳的变化规律,峰后循环阶段,岩石单位渗透率则与轴向载荷近乎呈倒置关系;②岩石弹性模量、裂隙闭合应力、起裂应力、损伤应力、峰值应力、残余应力均与围压呈正相关,泊松比则随围压增大呈先增大后减小的变化特点;③5、10 MPa围压下,岩石出现间歇性破坏,脆性破坏特征有所减弱,15、20、25 MPa围压下,岩石脆性破坏特征明显,岩石破坏特征由岩石本身性质所决定;④峰后轴向载荷主要对岩石渗透率增大起促进作用,但该促进作用较围压对岩石渗透率的抑制作用弱,围压为影响岩石峰后渗透率变化的主导因素;⑤不同围压下,岩石均产生了一条贯穿剪切裂纹,但随围压增大,岩石破坏程度逐渐减弱,破坏模式趋于简单。
为实现对峰前及峰后岩石脆性特征的定量刻画,提出了一种基于岩石峰前能量演化及峰后侧向变形特征的岩石脆性评价方法,建立岩石峰前脆性指标B pre及峰后脆性指标B post,将两者之积作为岩石脆性评价指标B_(m)。为验证脆性评价指标的合理性,选取凉山州某铁矿矿山扩能工程露天采场边坡发育的玢岩、辉长岩及花岗岩为研究对象,开展不同岩石及不同围压条件下的三轴压缩试验;采用已有的脆性评价方法B_(15)~B_(18)、B_(23)与本文所提的岩石脆性评价指标B_(m)对试样的脆性特征进行验证对比,结果表明:(1)采用脆性指标B_(m)能够较好地评定不同种类岩石的脆性特征,B_(m)与岩石脆性呈负相关,即脆性评价指标B_(m)越大,岩石脆性程度越高;(2)脆性指标B_(m)较好地验证了围压对岩石脆性特征的影响,随着围压的增大,岩石脆性程度降低。本文所提出的脆性评价方法丰富和完善了岩石室内脆性评价体系,具有一定的理论意义及工程实用价值。