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Comparative study on emotional behavior and parental job stress of only-child and non-only-child preschool children
BACKGROUND Studies have revealed that Children's psychological,behavioral,and emotional problems are easily influenced by the family environment.In recent years,the family structure in China has undergone significant changes,with more families having two or three children.AIM To explore the relationship between emotional behavior and parental job stress in only preschool and non-only preschool children.METHODS Children aged 3-6 in kindergartens in four main urban areas of Shijiazhuang were selected by stratified sampling for a questionnaire and divided into only and nononly child groups.Their emotional behaviors and parental pressure were compared.Only and non-only children were paired in a 1:1 ratio by class and age(difference less than or equal to 6 months),and the matched data were compared.The relationship between children's emotional behavior and parents'job stress before and after matching was analyzed.RESULTS Before matching,the mother's occupation,children's personality characteristics,and children's rearing patterns differed between the groups(P<0.05).After matching 550 pairs,differences in the children's parenting styles remained.There were significant differences in children's gender and parents'attitudes toward children between the two groups.The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire(SDQ)scores of children in the only child group and the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form(PSI-SF)scores of parents were significantly lower than those in the non-only child group(P<0.05).Pearson’s correlation analysis showed that after matching,there was a positive correlation between children's parenting style and parents'attitudes toward their children(r=0.096,P<0.01),and the PSI-SF score was positively correlated with children's gender,parents'attitudes toward their children,and SDQ scores(r=0.077,0.193,0.172,0.222).CONCLUSION Preschool children's emotional behavior and parental pressure were significantly higher in multi-child families.Parental pressure in differently structured families was associated with many f
Zhi-Wei FuKai-Li WangNing-Yu DuYue-Jing LiJing-Jing DuanSheng-Xia Zhao
If only的历时演变研究与认知分析
If only是英语反事实条件句的典型连词。在当代英语中。形式上,if only可以接紧缩句和复杂句;语义上,if only表一般条件义、反事实义和让步条件义,且以反事实义为主。但是,据语料显示,构式if only在古英...
A Method to Obtain the Moving Speed of Uncooperative Target Based on Only Two Measurements
The existing research results show that a fixed single station must conduct three consecutive frequency shift measurements and obtain the target’s moving speed by constructing two frequency difference equations. This article proposes a new method that requires only two consecutive measurements. While using the azimuth measurement to obtain the angular difference between two radial distances, it also conducts two consecutive Doppler frequency shift measurements at the same target azimuth. On the basis of this measurement, a frequency difference equation is first constructed and solved jointly with the Doppler frequency shift equation. By eliminating the velocity variable and using the measured angular difference to obtain the target’s lead angle, the target’s velocity can be solved by using the Doppler frequency shift equation again. The new method avoids the condition that the target must move equidistantly, which not only provides an achievable method for engineering applications but also lays a good foundation for further exploring the use of steady-state signals to achieve passive positioning.
Tao Yu
Maximum correntropy-based pseudolinear Kalman filter for passive bearings-only target tracking
This paper proposes a new approach for solving the bearings-only target tracking (BoT) problem by introducing a maximum correntropy criterion to the pseudolinear Kalman filter (PLKF). PLKF has been a popular choice for solving BoT problems owing to the reduced computational complexity. However, the coupling between the measurement vector and pseudolinear noise causes bias in PLKF. To address this issue, a bias-compensated PLKF (BC-PLKF) under the assumption of Gaussian noise was formulated. However, this assumption may not be valid in most practical cases. Therefore, a bias-compensated PLKF with maximum correntropy criterion is introduced, resulting in two new filters: maximum correntropy pseudolinear Kalman filter (MC-PLKF) and maximum correntropy bias-compensated pseudolinear Kalman filter (MC-BC-PLKF). To demonstrate the performance of the proposed estimators, a comparative analysis assuming large outliers in the process and measurement model of 2D BoT is conducted. These large outliers are modeled as non-Gaussian noises with diverse noise distributions that combine Gaussian and Laplacian noises. The simulation results are validated using root mean square error (RMSE), average RMSE (ARMSE), percentage of track loss and bias norm. Compared to PLKF and BC-PLKF, all the proposed maximum correntropy-based filters (MC-PLKF and MC-BC-PLKF) performed with superior estimation accuracy.
Asfia UroojRahul Radhakrishnan
For Peace Only
"0ne issue is in the center of attention,peace in Ukraine.We will talk,we will find common ground.We should avoid rivalry of peace plans and move toward a just and sustainable peace.China could play a major role in it,"Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said in a video posted on social media platform Instagram on July 23.He made the post upon his arrival in Guangzhou in Guangdong Province,for a four-day visit to China.
Ma Miaomiao
You only live once
“YOLO”is an exciting movie that attracted audiences with its thrilling storyline and excellent characters.Directed by a talented filmmaker,this film shows an unusual tale that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
Phase separation activates plant TIR-only immune receptors
Plants express cell membrane-localized pattern recognition receptors(PRRs)and intracellular nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat(NLR)receptors to fend off pathogens.PRR recognition of conserved microbial features and NLR recognition of pathogen effectors lead to pattern-triggered immunity(PTI)and effectortriggered immunity(ETI),respectively[1].
Li Wan
Full-Stokes metasurface polarimetry requiring only a single measurement
Polarization is crucial in various fields such as imaging,sensing,and substance detection.A compact,fast,and accurate polarization detection device is vital for these applications.Herein,we demonstrate a multifocus metalens for terahertz polarization detection that requires only a single measurement to obtain complete polarization parameters and reconstruct the polarization state of the incident field.The individual subarrays of this metalens convert each of the six polarized components into the same polarization,which in turn links the Stokes parameters to these six foci.The incident linear polarizations and elliptical polarizations are characterized by Stokes parameters and polarization ellipses.Simulations and experimental results show that the scheme can accurately detect the incident polarization with a single measurement.The proposed metasurface polarimetry may find applications in the fields of real-time terahertz detection and integrated optics.


研究主题:英语专业四级考试 TEM-4 大学英语 英语 英文
研究主题:语段 AUDIO ONLY 教育 幼儿
研究主题:副词 语义指向 语用歧义 歧义 语音
研究主题:键能 NADH 氢 手性 辅酶
研究主题:蛋白 ONLY 疯牛病 类病毒 朊病毒