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在一阶逻辑定理证明器中,子句预处理是不可或缺的步骤,而子句的消去规则是预处理中极其重要的部分。传统的基于纯文字规则的子句消去方法在理论上存在子句删除过多的问题,在算法实现上又存在子句删除不充分的情况。为了提高子句删除的精确率,在理论上,基于纯文字规则对子句进行再分类。第一类称为无效子句,该类子句不能通过等词替换与某个子句形成互补对,此类子句应完全删除;第二类为相对无效子句,该类子句无法与当前子句集中的子句形成互补对,但能进行等词替换,此类子句应在参与演绎后综合考虑是否删除。在算法实现中,考虑到子句的消去应是动态的过程,当前消去的子句会影响已判断的子句的无效性,提出一种用于判定子句无效性的递归遍历算法。将上述子句约简规则应用于证明器CSE1.5(Contradiction Separation Extension 1.5)中,以2019—2022的CADE(Conference on Automated DEduction)自动定理证明(ATP)系统竞赛中一阶逻辑问题组为测试对象。在300 s内,应用所提算法的CSE1.5_IC比原始CSE1.5总共多证明了27个问题。在两个版本证明器共同证明的所有FNE(FOF theorems without Equality)测试例中,CSE1.5_IC比CSE1.5平均每个问题多约简了28个子句,平均求解时间减少了7.07 s。实验结果表明,所提无效子句约简算法是一种有效的预处理方式,能够提高一阶逻辑子句集的约简精确率,同时能够提高自动定理证明器的证明能力和缩短证明时间。
Twenty Years of the Implementation of the Human Rights Clause in the Constitution:Achievements,Implications,and Research Topics
On March 14,2004,the Second Session of the 10th National People’s Congress of China adopted the fourth amendment to the Chinese Constitution,the most noticeable highlight of which is the addition of the paragraph“the state respects and protects human rights”as the third clause in Article 33 of Chapter II“Basic Rights and Obligations of Citizens”in the Constitution.The inclusion of the clause of human rights in the Constitution is considered an important milestone in the history of human rights development in the People’s Republic of China.The implementation of the human rights clause not only showcases the values of the Party and the state in respecting and protecting human rights,but also promotes the development of human rights,shapes the culture of human rights,and endows the rule of law with a rich humanistic spirit.Over the past 20 years,the publicity,research and practice of the human rights clause have made the Chi-nese people realize that human rights are not only a“great term”,but also a common value shared by mankind.Amid the once-in-a-century changes of the world,although the development of human rights is facing various challenges,the humanistic spirit contained in the hu-man rights clause has become the internal driving force for building consensus in the whole of society.Reinterpreting the significance and value of the human rights clause can help us conscientiously draw on the experience in the implementation of the clause over the past 20 years and contribute Chinese wisdom and experience to global human rights governance with a more open mind and inclusive attitude.
HAN Dayuan
On a Flexible Loan Repayment Method Depending on Borrower's Asset with an Early Termination Clause
Aiming at the problem that the asset’s fluctuation influences the borrower’s repayment ability,a loan with a new and flexible repayment method is designed,which depends on the asset value of the borrower.The repayment method can reduce the loan default probability,but it causes the uncertainty of the pay off time.Because the repayment term is related to the regular repayment amount in this method,a boundary for the regular repayment amount is set up in order to avoid too long repayment term.This will balance the benefit of borrowers and lenders and improve the applicability of this method.By establishing a mathematical model of the residual value of the loan,this model can be transformed into an initial-boundary problem of a partial differential equation.The analytic solution and the expected time to pay off the loan are obtained.Finally,numerical analysis are shown.
Jin LIANGJia-qi MAOZhao-ya LIU
The Connotations of the Constitutional Clause on Human Rights Protection From the Perspective of Foreign-related Rule of Law
The inclusion of the human rights clause in the Chi-nese Constitution is the core normative manifestation of the constitu-tionalization of human rights,and points to the relationship between international law and the Constitution in the sense of positive law.The inclusion of the human rights clauses in the Chinese Constitution itself is an inherent part of the development of China’s socialist constitution,and socialism has already contributed valuable concepts and practices of human rights protection to the modern world in its early stage.The constitutionalization of human rights protection does not necessarily lead to the superiority of international law over the constitutional order of a country,but rather to the convergence of international law and domestic law through the constitutional order.The relevant rules of international law will be effective only when they are transformed into domestic law through the Constitution and the human rights clause in the Constitution.Correspondingly,the domestic legal order is brought into line with the international legal order through the Con-stitution and its human rights clause.Behind the system of fundamen-tal rights in the constitutional order is the value foundation of the en-tire legal system.The advancement of foreign-related rule of law has brought new opportunities for China’s judicial practice to further pro-mote the protection of human rights.In the future,we should further integrate the human rights values embedded in socialism into China’s constitutional practice,enhance human rights protection around the country,and take a more active part in global human rights gover-nance.
Research on the Constitutional,Historical and Practical Logic of the Chinese Path of Human Rights Development——From the Perspective of the Inclusion of Human Rights Clause in the Constitution
The inclusion of the human rights clause in the Chi-nese Constitution is a concern and expression of the spirit of the Con-stitution,which has laid the institutional regulations of the fundamen-tal law for the development of human rights in China,provided the principles and value norms of the highest level of effectiveness for the legal protection of human rights,and built a profound constitutional basis for the formation and improvement of the Chinese path of human rights development.The human rights clause is not only a summariza-tion and affirmation of the historical practice of Chinese human rights development under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,but also a new starting point for the development of human rights in China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.It marks that the development of human rights in China has entered a new era.The Party and the state have finally embarked on a path of human rights development with Chinese characteristics by formulating and implementing the Human Rights Action Plan of China,eliminating ab-solute poverty through the national poverty alleviation campaign,and promoting human rights protection through the rule of law.
FAN Jinxue
近年来,互联网经济的繁荣催生了层出不穷的新经济业态,由MFN条款(Most Favored Nation Clauses)发展而来的平台最惠国待遇条款(Platform Most Favored Nation,以下简称“PMFN条款”)已经广泛应用于各种上游供应商与电商平台间的分销模式,其中最具代表性的为双方订立的“全网最低价”条款。PMFN条款虽然可以降低交易成本,带来低价福利。但它却可能抑制上游供应商之间的竞争,导致平台之间的不法共谋,最终损害消费者的合法权益。还可能阻却相关竞争对手进入市场扩张市场份额,甚至出现恶性竞争。我国现有的反垄断法的构架下,对于PMFN条款的规制主要有垄断协议和滥用市场支配地位的路径,其中各自存在一系列困境。针对垄断协议规制PMFN条款的主体不适格等问题,可以以安全港规则和轴辐协议填补漏洞。相关市场的界定作为滥用市场支配地位的规制路径中最大的难题,应从需求主体和需求内容来明确。而对于网络效应下传统标准难以认定电商平台的市场支配地位的问题,可以引入共同市场支配地位来加以解决。
E-Commerce Clause for Concern
Online vendors fed up with customer abuse of refund clauses on shopping platforms are struggling for recourse.Experts argue that if not refined,the policies can cause significant harm to the e-commerce ecosystem.
Meng Qian
拖售权(drag-along right)是指投资人在特定情形下有权要求其他股东按照相同交易条件(比如价格、付款安排等)将所持有的标的公司全部或部分股权与投资人同时出售给第三方。然而,目前我国并未对拖售权条款进行详尽规定,实践中包含拖售权条款的股东协议往往与《公司法》的相关制度存在衔接上的问题,并引发效力认定和可执行性的争议。针对这些问题,我国可以从其他国家的立法和司法经验中学习,通过认可股东协议、协调少数股东的救济措施等方式,妥善解决拖售权条款与《公司法》相关制度之间的衔接问题。同时,可以设立拖售价格的确定机制,强调权利行使的条件性,并引导当事人做好变更登记的预备工作,以满足实践对拖售权条款的需求。这样,可以丰富我国公司法的框架,更好地适应实践的需要。


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