Background:Increasing men’s involvement in their pregnant partners’wellness has been reported as one of the ways to improve access to and utilization of maternal health services,including birth preparedness and complication readiness.Men can play meaningful roles in the support systems that pregnant women need to achieve better maternal health outcomes.In Rwanda,the roles that men take vary,resulting in diverse expectations and responsibilities to support the health of women during this critical time.In this study,we aimed to examine the views,perspectives,and experiences of women on men’s involvement in maternal health and how this impacts access and utilization of maternal health services.Methods:We conducted 21 interviews with pregnant and recently-pregnant women to gain an understanding of their views on men’s involvement in facilitating their partners’health during pregnancy.Interviews were conducted across five Rwandan districts in both rural and urban settings of the country.Data analysis was guided by a thematic analysis approach.This started with independent transcript review by the investigators,after which a meeting was held to discuss emergent themes and to identify potential codes.A coding scheme was created and transcripts were coded in NVIVO™software according to conceptual and practical topics that formed an understanding of men’s involvement in maternal care.Results:Three key themes emerged during the analytic process that categorize the specific roles that men play in maternal health:1)facilitating access to maternal health services,which involves assisting women with getting and or attending appointments jointly with men;2)supporting women’s decisions,wherein men can support the decisions women make with regard to their maternal healthcare in a number of ways;and 3)evaluating information,including gathering information from multiple sources,especially from community health workers,to assistwomen with making informed decisions.Conclusion:Rwandan men take on three types of roles i