本研究选取内蒙古自治区具有学科教学英语专业硕士学位授权点的两所高校,分别为内蒙古师范大学,内蒙古民族大学,收集其在2004~2022年间的235篇学科教学英语专业硕士学位论文作为研究样本。对内蒙古地区学科教学英语专业硕士学位论文选题取向的现状及影响因素进行探寻,同时给出优化选题质量的对策与建议。以期为学科教学英语专业的硕士研究生确定论文选题时提供参考。This study selected two universities in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region with authorization points for master’s degrees in subject teaching English, namely Inner Mongolia Normal University and Inner Mongolia Minzu University, and collected 235 master’s degree theses in subject teaching English from 2004 to 2022 as research samples to explore the current situation and influencing factors of the selection orientation of subject teaching English master’s thesis topics in Inner Mongolia, and provide strategies and suggestions for optimizing the quality of topic selection;for providing reference for master’s students majoring in English in subject teaching when selecting thesis topics.